Super Kirby Clash Passwords (Nintendo Switch)

  • Thread starter eonia
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into the next dream
Towns Folk
there is one thread for the 3ds game but not for the switch one so... here are the ones i know
-GEMAPPLES 10 Gem Apples
-SUPERKIRBYCLASH 10 Gem Apples, 50 of each Fragment
-まいつきリンゴプレゼント 10 Gem Apples
-スーパーカービィハンターズ 10 Gem Apples, 50 of each fragment
-ふじさんみえるハルけんきゅうしょ 5 Gem Apples, 1 Mini EXP Orb
-トピックスでハンターズ 10 Gem Apples

it looks like the passwords are region free, however, good luck entering the japanese ones ,when I get the time to do it i will try to view a youtube video and copy whathever the youtuber does to input the japanese passwords
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very cool, thanks
Good ol passwords. Never thought they'd use these again. :')
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it looks like the passwords are region free, however, good luck entering the japanese ones ,when I get the time to do it i will try to view a youtube video and copy whathever the youtuber does to input the japanese passwords
If you find a working video or instructions, please link it here ;u;
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ok, this video works with 3 of the japanese passwords, i couldnt find a video for the other one,
Looks like there are a couple of new codes. You have to input these codes in Japanese keyboard, but it's cross-region compatible, so feel free to type it away:

- フォーゲーマーからリンゴをどうぞ (5 Gem Apples, expires at November 13th, 2019)
- ボクのよろずやチョーイカス (5 Gem Apples + 5 Attack Potions + 5 Stamina Potions, expires at October 3rd, 2019)
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Nyaossu! :cat: Looks like there's a new code incoming, courtesy of NyaNyaNya! Neko Mario Time show in Japan's Nintendo channel in YouTube. This code will grant you 5 Gem Apples, and this code is effective from September 11th to November 11th. Make sure that you type the small ャ instead of the big ヤ, ok? The big ヤ won't count in this code (Personal experience talking here) :p

Nyaossu! :cat: In the latest episode of NyaNyaNya! Neko Mario Time, Cat Mario gave us another new password. This time it'll net you 5 Gem Apples, 1 Stamina Potion, 1 Attack Potion and also 1 EXP Orb. This code will last from September 25th to November 25th, so type it away. Just like last one, make sure to type the small ャ to count.

Password from Neko Mario Time: ニャニャニャがくえん

EDIT: Looks like there are a couple more passwords from Japan, courtesy of Kirby's Twitter account.
- アニメイトでカービィ (Grants 5 Gem Apples, from September 21st to October 13th)
- カービィカフェでもハンターズ (Grants 5 Gem Apples, from September 20th to December 31st)
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SCREENSHOT10 Gem ApplesExpires 4th Nov, 2019
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  • #10
There's a new password from Kirby's Twitter account. This time it'll grant you 5 Gem Apples.

イオンでカービィ (Effective October 4th of 2019 to March 31st of 2020)
  • #11
There's a new Japanese password yesterday. This code will give you 5 Gem Apples, 2 Attack Potions and 2 Stamina Potions.

おおきにマホロアのよろずや (Effective October 11th to October 29th)
  • #12
So I checked today, and we got 2 new Japanese passwords from Kirby's Twitter account.

- キデイランドでカービィ (Grants 5 Gem Apples, from October 26th to November 15th)
- ありがとうステキなマホロアさん (Grants 10 Gem Apples, 2 Stamina Potions, 2 Attack Potions and 1 EXP Orb, from October 27th to November 10th)
  • #13
Looks like there are two more new codes!
- GEMAPPLETREE (Grants 10 Gem Apples, effective November 1st to December 1st. You can alternately type カービィふくめてぜんぶでじゅっこ if you want. Please note that both codes are one and the same.)
- カービィいっぱいヤマシロヤ (Grants 5 Gem Apples, effective November 1st to December 1st as well.)
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  • #14
Looks like Qbby from BoxBoy series sent us a new code to use in Super Kirby Clash! Just type ジェムリンゴキュービィ and you'll get 10 Gem Apples. This code will last from November 5th, 2019 to March 5th, 2020.
  • #15
There are 3 new codes to type with since the last time I come here.
- HAMMERFLIP (Japanese: さむいからあたたかくしてね) - This monthly bilingual code will grant you 10 Gem Apples, effective from December 6th, 2019 to January 6th, 2020.
- だいにだんカービィカフェサントラ - To commemorate Kirby Cafe's second batch of soundtracks released on CDs, this code grants you 5 Gem Apples, and active from December 12th, 2019 to February 12th, 2020.
- つばさハンターズ - This code will grant you 5 Gem Apples, 1 Stamina Potion and 1 Attack Potion. This code is currently active without expiry date, so feel free to type it anytime!
  • #16
Guys, I just found 2 new codes.
- KIRBYTWITTER (Japanese: にじゅうまんフォロワーありがとう) is a bilingual code released in December 19th, 2019 to celebrate 200.000 followers on Kirby's Twitter account. If you recite it, you'll get 20 Gem Apples, but you have to type it quick before it expires at December 26th, 2019.
- いつもそこにはカービィカフェ - Related to Kirby Cafe, you can type this code to get 5 Gem Apples. This code is effective from December 12th of 2019 to February 28th of 2020.
  • #17
DOCTORHEALMORE will give you 10 free gem apples until February 10th, 2020.
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  • #18
ナムコでベリーなカービィwill grant you 5 Gem Apples as well, and is up and running from January 10th to March 31st, to celebrate Namco's Kirby Very Strawberry campaign in Japan. Side note: Make sure ベリー is written in Katakana, or else the code won't work.
  • #19
You can type FROSTKIBBLEBLADE (Japanese: カービィたちのアイスなショー) to get 10 Gem Apples. This monthly bilingual code is active until March 7th.
  • #20
You can type FROSTKIBBLEBLADE (Japanese: カービィたちのアイスなショー) to get 10 Gem Apples. This monthly bilingual code is active until March 7th.