Contest Super Smash 2.0

  • Thread starter 9070
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  • #201
@Nanamine how do we annouce who won a match?

Just post if you won in this thread and have your opponent confirm it.
  • #203
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  • #204
Pikachus up b is just a one hit ko even at 0% at 2.0 damage
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  • #205
*cough cough* ban jiggly *cough cough* also I hope my opponent is someone that is hardly active
  • #206
*cough cough* ban jiggly *cough cough* also I hope my opponent is someone that is hardly active
Ban the puff? Why?
  • #207
You must be set on exactly what characters are banned before it started O.O it will become a confusing mess ! you can't go banning stuff now! People are probably doing matches and will have to redo cause of these random pop ups of ban this and that some yes make sense but maybe call a pause to this to finalize the banned characters, avoiding frustration and confusion..
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  • #208
  • #209
I forgot who was band and #Kirby to op
  • #210
*cough cough* ban jiggly *cough cough* also I hope my opponent is someone that is hardly active
Jiggly's rest will kill at 0%.......
I used someone else in my match so I'm ok if you ban it
  • #211
I forgot who was band and #Kirby to op
Your Yoshi isn't banned from this tournament but if anyone wants my 2 cents, Yoshi is a character that should also be considered for a ban because of the gimmicky hide and seek egg play + up smash KO on 2.0 launch rate.

No idea why I'm tagging @Heart >.<
  • #212
Yay! Let's play ban characters!

Everyone has their gimmicks
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  • #213
Peach can get Bombs and Mr. Saturn's with her down B. Mr. Game and Watch, Villager, and Charizard all have 1 or 2 moves based of probability as well. And Marth and Lucina are the only ones not on the ban list and have counter.
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  • #214
I would be honored to join smash 2.0 :)
My friend code is: 1092-0214-4893
Please let me in! I would love to smash
Now i know that tue sign ups are officially closed but i never had time yesterday to look at the forum, if i cannot be in this Tournament i will understand why.Please give me a chance :D
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  • #215

It was a pleasure having you participate!

Your Yoshi isn't banned from this tournament but if anyone wants my 2 cents, Yoshi is a character that should also be considered for a ban because of the gimmicky hide and seek egg play + up smash KO on 2.0 launch rate.

No idea why I'm tagging @Heart >.<

Bracket updated.

After some consideration, it was stupid to ban any characters for a tournament like this. Like Pacey said, every character has some sort of cheap gimmick, it's just a matter of how well you use it.

I would be honored to join smash 2.0 :)
My friend code is: 1092-0214-4893
Please let me in! I would love to smash

Sorry, sign ups have closed! Look out for the next one, though :)
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  • #216
It was a pleasure having you participate!

Bracket updated.

After some consideration, it was stupid to ban any characters for a tournament like this. Like Pacey said, every character has some sort of cheap gimmick, it's just a matter of how well you use it.

Sorry, sign ups have closed! Look out for the next one, though :)
Well, any character who can easily pick up a win should be banned, I think the current banlist is good though
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  • #217
Well, any character who can easily pick up a win should be banned, I think the current banlist is good though

Eh. If I do anything like this again I'll do testing before banning characters. Or ask someone who knows a lot about Smash >_>
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  • #218
I was about to say if you were going to ban cheap tactics the whole roster would be eliminated
  • #219
I'm nervous,you guys are fighting???
  • #220
Heh. @pepy550's Game & Watch KO'd me at 15% with a smash attack and you guys are worried about her throw? :p
Don't you mean 0%?
I down-throwed you into a 9 Hammer.