Gen 6 Three hidden Pokemon found buried in the code of X and Y

  • Thread starter ErixSan
  • Start date
  • #21
key word: to change the game. What if it's already in the game and we just don't know it So that means no region? Makes sense. Maybe the train thing is just as a future transporter thing or something to trade with another region for a future game.

Also, @xXAwesomeDudeXx Mega Lati@s wouldn't be DLC, probably as an event.

Too bad... If they do release Mega Latias and Latios or vice versa, either one, etc, etc... As an event, I will probably miss it because I am usually never with Wi-Fi when these event things happen...
  • #22
Too bad... If they do release Mega Latias and Latios or vice versa, either one, etc, etc... As an event, I will probably miss it because I am usually never with Wi-Fi when these event things happen...
Well, that's a problem lol GameFreak has been doing Wi-Fi events and such for a while so i't's not like they'll change that fact anytime soon....I mean, they're doing the Torchic with Blazikenite event
  • #23
Is it just me or does the game seem a bit too large (1.7 Gb) for all the content it provides ?

I mean the Link Between Worlds is half the size and seems to have more graphic content.
  • #24
Is it just me or does the game seem a bit too large (1.7 Gb) for all the content it provides ?

I mean the Link Between Worlds is half the size and seems to have more graphic content.
Yea... Way, way too big... I cannot believe that The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is half the size... If anything it should be double the size!!! What???
  • #25
Is it just me or does the game seem a bit too large (1.7 Gb) for all the content it provides ?

I mean the Link Between Worlds is half the size and seems to have more graphic content.

Don't mess everything up, guys.
They made a looooooot of lines for character customisation, the 3D models, the pokemons and the engine, and to say well, I would say that it could have been also a lot bigger in size. But that's sure that they are many secrets inside, like any game who has got unused content.
  • #26
Is it just me or does the game seem a bit too large (1.7 Gb) for all the content it provides ?

I mean the Link Between Worlds is half the size and seems to have more graphic content.
there's a thread for that. do keep that in mind in the future.

Don't mess everything up, guys.
They made a looooooot of lines for character customisation, the 3D models, the pokemons and the engine, and to say well, I would say that it could have been also a lot bigger in size. But that's sure that they are many secrets inside, like any game who has got unused content.
yeah, the amount of content in this game is ridiculously huge compared to past gens..
  • #27
yeah, the amount of content in this game is ridiculously huge compared to past gens..

It started increasing since the first games. If you want, here's the size of all the Pokemon (Non-Spinoff) games that I know:

Pokemon Green/Red/Blue (GBC) -> 1Mo
Silver/Gold -> 2Mo
LeafGreen/FireRed/Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (GBA) -> 32Mo
XD: Gale of Darkness (NGC) -> 1.7GB
Diamond/Pearl/SoulSilver/HeartGold (NDS) -> 128Mo
Black/White (1) -> 256Mo
Black/White (2) -> 512Mo
X/Y (3DS) -> 1.7GB.

Yes, X/Y equals XD in size terms. That's still amazing how Nintendo is now able to make cartridge who has got the size of a NDS game, and who can store more than a GameCube Disk !
  • #28
It started increasing since the first games. If you want, here's the size of all the Pokemon (Non-Spinoff) games that I know:

Pokemon Green/Red/Blue (GBC) -> 1Mo
Silver/Gold -> 2Mo
LeafGreen/FireRed/Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (GBA) -> 32Mo
XD: Gale of Darkness (NGC) -> 1.7GB
Diamond/Pearl/SoulSilver/HeartGold (NDS) -> 128Mo
Black/White (1) -> 256Mo
Black/White (2) -> 512Mo
X/Y (3DS) -> 1.7GB.

Yes, X/Y equals XD in size terms. That's still amazing how Nintendo is now able to make cartridge who has got the size of a NDS game, and who can store more than a GameCube Disk !
X/Y has the same amount of space as XD: Gale of Darkness. XD: Gale of Darkness remake confirmed :p But seriously, that's a really interesting fact to note
  • #29
X/Y has the same amount of space as XD: Gale of Darkness. XD: Gale of Darkness remake confirmed :p But seriously, that's a really interesting fact to note

Yes, that would be interesting to see a remake of XD on the 3DS or the WiiU. Still a coincidence, though.
  • #30
Yes, that would be interesting to see a remake of XD on the 3DS or the WiiU. Still a coincidence, though.
yeah obviously. I was just saying it like a Half Life 3 confirmed or Hoenn remakes confirmed kind of thing (because let's face, it's fun to joke about that :p)
  • #31
And more, perhaps they could improve the remake. Like, adding Gen IV, V and VI inside, instead of the GBA <-> GC thing and the arcade mode at title screen.
  • #32
And more, perhaps they could improve the remake. Like, adding Gen IV, V and VI inside, instead of the GBA <-> GC thing and the arcade mode at title screen.
perhaps they could. Honestly, there's a lot Nintendo could do with this but we should also keep in mind that the more time they spend on remakes, the less time they spend on innovative new stuff for new regions
  • #33
perhaps they could. Honestly, there's a lot Nintendo could do with this but we should also keep in mind that the more time they spend on remakes, the less time they spend on innovative new stuff for new regions

Actually, the most innovative thing they could make, is deleting their eShop Region Lock.
  • #34
Actually, the most innovative thing they could make, is deleting their eShop Region Lock.
that's kinda irrelevant as eShop Region Lock isn't Pokemon. That's a Nintendo thing, not a GameFreak thing. There's a lot GameFreak can still do with the franchise
  • #35
I haven't mentionned it, but, unless Pokemon uses GameFreak's servers, Nintendo Network is also Region Locked.
  • #36
I haven't mentionned it, but, unless Pokemon uses GameFreak's servers, Nintendo Network is also Region Locked.
huh interesting, that could be true. However, at the same time GameFreak doesn't have much say in the Region Lock thing and it'd be up to Nintendo to change that
  • #37
huh interesting, that could be true. However, at the same time GameFreak doesn't have much say in the Region Lock thing and it'd be up to Nintendo to change that

Yes. It's true, because, since that Game Freak is still external to Nintendo (even though they make games), they could use their servers. In that case, it's no Region Lock.
  • #38
Yes. It's true, because, since that Game Freak is still external to Nintendo (even though they make games), they could use their servers. In that case, it's no Region Lock.
Would Game Freak be willing to invest in that though? I think it could be a lot of time/work for them to do that. I mean they're already doing Pokemon Bank...
  • #39
Would Game Freak be willing to invest in that though? I think it could be a lot of time/work for them to do that. I mean they're already doing Pokemon Bank...

But GameFreak also hosts the Global Trade Station thing. (Name used from D/P/Platine.)
They hosts everything that is online, and Pokemon related, I guess.
  • #40
But GameFreak also hosts the Global Trade Station thing. (Name used from D/P/Platine.)
They hosts everything that is online, and Pokemon related, I guess.
Well that's true, but that doesn't mean that GameFreak could easily get out of a bunch of region-locked things. Keep in mind that GameFreak works closely with Nintendo on stuff