Challenge Vii's Pokemon Survival Challenge - Win 10 Play Coins

  • Thread starter Vii
  • Start date
  • #181
Sure! I'll add your FC now. :3 My FC is in my signature.


We sure can. :3
i have added you and await your battle request. my team is ready (possibly to lose but hey its for fun)
  • #182
  • #183
UU right?
Crap need to get my pokes first xD Silly me

Wait... Whaaaat

Ops, why did'nt i switch Aggron... WHAT, never mind. Bulky Aggron tho
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  • #184
  • #185
GG. Gotta practice \o/
  • #186
@Vii I would like to battle you!
  • #187
@Vii I would like to battle you!
Sure! Pick the battle style (It's Sunday..) and post your FC/in-game name. :)
  • #188
@Vii wanna do that rotation battle that i asked for last week, somwhere later this evening (maybe in like 2 hours from now)
  • #189
@Vii wanna do that rotation battle that i asked for last week, somwhere later this evening (maybe in like 2 hours from now)

Alrighty. I won't be on at 6pm EST tho.
  • #190
well battle now than, i was on for a trade anyway.
  • #191
well battle now than, i was on for a trade anyway.

I sent the battle request.

@TheUltimateC I forgot we were playing Ubers today. .-. But that Power Whip Miss! :c
Anyways, Good game!
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  • #192
yeah i won for once, though with 2 ubers (or 3 if greninja counted), i didnt brought a full team of ubers cause you said last week that you werent gonna use any. Also it was very close too in the end.
  • #193
Could I have NU and OU mixed?
  • #194
Could I have NU and OU mixed?
Sure. Add me and we can battle.
I have you added and I'm online.
  • #195
I added you now
  • #196

Hey everyone! I just want to introduce a little challenge for everyone! Okai, the deal is if you beat me, you get 10 coins. If you lose, you have 24 hours to battle me again. However but because each day is a different battle style, you might have to wait a little longer. :p

Monday: Doubles
Tuesday: Singles OU
Wednesday: Singles UU
Thursday: Doubles
Fridays: Singles UU
Saturday: Singles OU
Sunday: You choose

Can Use X/Y or ORAS
No Cloned Pokemon or Hacked Pokemon
Will be a 6 VS 6 Match
Battles will be played on Wi-Fi
Link below on OU tier rules
For Wednesdays + Fridays:
UU tier rules

Free cupcakes if you enter!! :D

If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
If I happen to not be here on a certain day, I'll just go with whatever day you posted on.

Please post your friend code and your in-game name when you're challenging me. Thank you. ^^

Wins: 20
Loses: 4
Can we battle? I have put in your friend code. Here is mine. 4485 0730 4634. Ill wait!
  • #197
Can we battle? I have put in your friend code. Here is mine. 4485 0730 4634. Ill wait!

Sure thing! What battle style do you want?

Good game!
  • #198
Here is my friend code 4485 0730 4634

Any! But im a beginner!
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  • #199
Any! But im a beginner!

Alright. We will go with Single OU then. I'm online.
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  • #200
Im online we have to battle on pokemon x and y though