Was Shin Megami Tensei IV Worth $50 To You?

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #21
  • #22
I dont regret the $50 actually :D
  • #23
$50 was to much for a 3DS game. I only got it because i basically paid $20 for it.
  • #24
£20 here, as it was a cut-price digital-only release in Europe. Which is... what, about $32?

Totally worth it, though. It's not one of my favourite games in the series, but I wouldn't have been disappointed at full price. It has its annoying quirks and the story and characters are a pretty big step back from Strange Journey and SMT3, but the basic exploring/combat/fusion is as fun as ever. And I'm also happy to see Magnetite and moon phases go away. Hate those things.

The first playthrough took me about 60 hours, so it's also pretty hard to complain about length.
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  • #25
Do you think Shin Megami Tensei IV was worth the $50 that you spent on it?
I would say that it was worth every penny. Atlus pretty much knows what the people want when it comes to their gaming. Add a CD, art book , a guild and pretty much anything with it and you have sell. I'd love to see them do a massive art book filled with art from all the games and maybe even a game collection issue with all the games in one. Then again people that sell the stuff on ebay or any other site might go nuts and sell it for an even higher price but even then I'm sure all the fans of the games would like it. We can all dream lol.