Kitten Mittens
Towns Folk
If no one has helped u I can get to work on thatCould I have;
Lapras - no nickname
Modest - 252 spatt 252 hp 4 spd
5 IV - 31/?/31/31/31/31
Ability - water absorb
Vaporeon - no nickname
Modest - 252 spatt 252 hp 4 spd
5 IV - 31/?/31/31/31/31
Ability - water absorb
Bulbasaur - no nickname
Modest - 252 spatt 252 hp 4 spd
5 IV - 31/?/31/31/31/31
Ability - overgrow
Could I also get a Liechi berry if possible? If not it's okay.
Take your time I don't need it ASAP please contact me with a price