What are your favorite GameBoy, Color and Advance games?

  • Thread starter Shyguy7
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That Masked Fellow
Towns Folk
So what are your favorite games from the GameBoy family? You have to list one from each system and a reason why you like it!

.One game per franchise
.Ports are allowed

My favorites are

Gameboy (1989) Metroid 2: Return of Samus: The reason i love this game is because it was the first one i played that got me into the franchise. Sure it wasn't the best metroid game and it wasn't anywhere near as non-linear as its predecesor, but for the hardware at the time it was pretty amazing.

Gameboy Color: Links Awakening DX: Ah Links awakening, one of my favorite zelda games AND its handheld! Now i know this doesn't really count as a GBC title since it was compatible with the old 1989 aswell but hear me out, this game practically transforms when you put it in a GBC, it adds colour as well as a new dungeon with colour based puzzles, allowing you to earn to new tunics! A red one for added strength and a blue one for defence. now GameBoy Colour addons aside this game is truly a masterpiece from the soundtrack to the level design, it is amazing and i highly suggest you check it out!

GameBoy Advance: Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising: Now i am a huge fan of the strategy genre of games, be it the RTS sub genre, or turn-based strategy which is the one we will be talking about today. Advance Wars 2 was a superb sequel to a superb game and it added so much more to the priginal advance wars! New CO's, new maps, new customization options and a new more developed story. It was just more Advance Wars really.

So thats my list and i would be very interested to hear yours.

My favourite Gameboy Color game was Pokemon Crystal because it not only introduced me to Pokemon, it also had acceptable graphics and interesting design concepts. My favourite GBA game was the Minish Cap because it was quite a fun and enjoyable game, with yet again, some more good graphics.
My favorite GB game was Pokemon Blue/Red/Green because it was my first pokemon game and it was so awesome! My favorite GBC game was Link's Awakening DX because of the music, the story, and the controls. My favorite GBA game was SMB 2 because lf the parkour and the bosses.
There's a lot of games that I really liked in the Game Boy era and some of those are like Pokemon Emerald which was really epic , The Legend of Zelda : A Link to The Past + Four Swords :D and I really liked Minish Cap as well since I liked the A link to the past :p
Now I only had a Gameboy advance SP, but I did end up playing GBA/GBC games. My favorite GB game would be The original Legend of Zelda game. I really like the adventure aspect of this game. I doesn't tell you what to do you just have to explore. I also really like the advance pokemon series. Pokemon Emerald. I like the nice pokemon adventure atmosphere, and catching all the legendaries Emerald had to offer.
Gameboy-For me it was all the Pokémon games, just thinking about them brings back so much nostalgia. I especially loved Pokémon Yellow because of the fact it was the first game to incorporate Pokémon voices from the anime even if it was only Pikachu.

Gameboy Color-The other game I liked was Hamtaro Ham-Hams unite, I loved the anime and getting to play a game about hamsters was fun to me.
Gameboy: Pokemon Red
Gameboy Color: Pokemon Crystal/Yellow
Gameboy Advance: Pokemon Emerald
GBA: Pokemon Emerald
GBC: Leaf Green (I Think...)
I didnt really have a gameboy or gameboy color, but I think you can plays GBC games on your GBA. But there are virtual console games on eshop, so GBC games came a little later, I never really played a gameboy game, so I cant say anything about that :p
GBA: Pokemon Emerald
GBC: Harvest Moon (I think xD)
  • #10
gameboy: pokemon yellow (also known to me as the adventure of derpachu and ash)
gameboy color: links awakening DX
gameboy advance: golden sun (#isaac4smash)
  • #11
Gameboy: link's awakening just because of the digging sprite
Gameboy Advanced: firered/leafgreen, because they was my first pokemon games!
  • #12
I've only played 1 GBC game (Link's Awakening DX) so that, and for GBA I've played a few, and my favorite of those by far is Minish Cap and Mario & Luigi: Super Star Saga. Minish Cap is just your typical 2D Zelda formula, which new additions, and Super Star Saga is just fun.
  • #13
Gameboy Color: Pokémon Blue- The first game I got along with my first game system. Of course, since I had Pokémon Blue, the first Pokémon I picked was Squirtle. I haven't got far in the game. But if it wasn't for that game, I would never had remember it, thus not having anything to do series including the shows which means I wouldn't get HeartGold in middle school, in turn, I wouldn't have any love for Pokémon today.

Gameboy Advance:
Need For Speed: Underground- Technically something I played on an emulator but still an awesome game nonetheless. And an excellent port of the game on a handheld such as the Gameboy Advance.
  • #14
My favorite GameBoyColor game was Pokemon Silver. My first ever game boy game will always hold a special place in my heart <3 I just hope they bring it to a virtual console soon because I want to play it again. I lost it a few years ago and have missed it terribly ever since.

My favorite Game Boy Advanced game was Hamtaro Ham Ham Games. I spent hours trying to beat my high scores in the Olympic-type sports that the hamsters were doing. I lost this game too :( Maybe I can find it on ebay or something XD
  • #15
Mine favourite game from game boy advance is pokemon emerald .

This was the very first game i played and completed ,my parents gifted me pokemon emerald and game boy advance on my birthday (best present most probably)
The game was epic, i love the that game so much .i have spend hour playing that game in my childhood.
  • #16
GB: Pokemon Red - Enough said. xD
GBC: Pokemon Crystal - Playing as Kris was a nice change. She's one of my favorite trainers/characters ever! <3
GBA: Pokemon Emerald - One of the best remakes ever. It had many new features and I enjoyed playing every minute of it. :D
  • #17
Game Boy: Pokemon Blue. I would've said F-1 Race but that game is harder to get into besides it's fun to catch em all or to exploit glitches.
Game Boy Color: Pokemon TCG. For the first time ever I'm able to play the card game because I have the game to fight against.
Game Boy Advance: Donkey Kong Country. It's minigames are fun and the music is memorable. Not to forget there are quite a few hidden secrets here and there like the Sound Room and Warp Barrel and Diddy Kong's Quest.
  • #18
Pokemon, Pokemon and Pokemon, because I love Pokemon :D
Game Boy: Pokemon Yellow - There's a reasn why I wrote Pokemon Yellow and not Pokemon Red/Blue. When I played Pokemon R/B there was something I missed and when I played Pokemon Yellow I knew what, a Pokemon walking behind me. Yes, sure, only Pikachu can follow you and sure, it was almost impossible to beat Brock with it but honestly, it made me feel like a real Pokemon trainer.
Game Boy Color: Pokemon Crystal - I would say Pokemon Silver but catching both Ho-Oh and Lugia in one game and plus Suicune is something unbeatable
Game Boy Advance: Pokemon Emerald - Pokemon Sapphire was the first Pokemon game I ever played but since you can catch all three weather trio in Pokemon Emerald it's my favorite GBA game
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  • #19
GB: World Bowling. Even though I find it hard to score a strike (or even a turkey), I find its controls pretty enjoyable in its own right.
GBC: Pokemon Trading Card Game. I like how I can collect Pokemon cards and battling using them, and customizing my decks to my liking, it's pure classic.
GBA: Megaman Battle Chip Challenge, where I have to set up some proper Battle Chips if I would want to win while my Navi is doing the battling, just like Lan and Megaman.EXE kind of things :)
  • #20
My favorite:
GBC: Pokemon crystal, zelda links awakening DX
GB: Pokemon Yellow
GBA: Have to keep that a secret, am having a contest, so no hints, but some already guessed answers that I love: golden sun, final fantasy 1-5 advance, fire emblem GBA, pokemon gen 3