What character(s) do you prefer at Mario Kart 8?

  • Thread starter Pokemario
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  • #21
I prefer Mario's younger brother, Luigi. "Oooh Luigi!"
  • #22
I prefer mario, link, tanooki, mario,waluigi, and koopa troopa. The character that I like the most is mario. Its mario because mario is my favorite videogame. his games are very creative and colorful.
  • #23
I like the Mii because a little personalization looks cool in a fictionious game, doesn't it? I also use Rosalina because I like the color blue (wow what a great reason) and she have good control which I can use. Link is ok because I love Link and is ok at driving.
  • #24
150cc or lower:
Pink Gold Peach, Mii, Peach, (F.) Villager, Cat Peach, Morton, and Baby Peach.
Isabelle xD
  • #25
I really like Larry and Cat Peach (AKA Wifeu)
Larry just spo happens to be my favorite of the Koopalings and He's a great mach Using the Biddy-Buggy/Azuel Rollers

Cat Peach is really adorable

Fite me nerds
  • #26
I use Link, Tanooki Mario, Villager, Metal Mario, and Rosalina the most. Idk why they all just appeal to me lol, especially Link and Villager since I paid for them @-@.
  • #27
Excluding the factor regarding the DLC characters(which I still don't have in my game),I use Donkey Kong,Iggy,Yoshi,Shy Guy and Wario the most when I'm playing in matches.Off-topic,but Wario has the best kart horn sound of all. :p
  • #28
my personal favs are Koopa Troopa Shy Guy and Toad
  • #29
my favorites are koopa troopa shy guy and toad
  • #30
I never played the game, or even own it, so I can't say much. Although, I would prefer to choose Link or Mario. I would choose Link, well, because it is awesome that he was added to the Character Roster, and I am also a Zelda fan. I would choose Mario since I have been using him ever since I have first played Mario Kart.
  • #31
Well, seeing as Wario is my favorite character, I usually tend to play as him in the Mario Kart games. However, if Wario is an unlock able character, I play as others. In MK8, I played as Ludwig von Koopa.
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  • #32
I like to play as baby mario and Luigi, because those are some of my favorite characters. They are fast because they are light, and had some of my favorite karts, especially the poltergust 4000, because it was a vacuum cleaner xD. Baby mario had the booster seat, and the bullet bike.
  • #33
I like to use Link the most. I also like to use my Mii and Inkling Boy because it's funny that you play yourself and I just like the Inkling Boy, I don't know why. Until recently I didn't know that characters really matter, but I like to use Link also because he's quite heavy (but not the heaviest)
  • #34
I like playing as the girl Squid sometimes. I mean, why would I play as a Mario character in Mario Kart when the squid is right there? Splatoon is the best thing to come out of Nintendo in years; fresh, new, and a branch of out their genre comfort zone. Why wouldn't I want to honor that?

If I actually want to honor the title, I'll play as Baby Daisy, because people always say no one likes the babes or no one cares about Daisy and I want to prove them wrong. I love Daisy, and Baby Daisy is just a cuter version of her. She also is at a good weight for 200 cc.
  • #35
I don't have the game but I prefer Link.Link and some other characters in Mario Kart kinds sounded strange to me because Link and Mario is like they'll never be in the same game.But when you actually see the characters in Mario Kart it would just looks right it doesn't look like some game that throws in random characters but instead they choose good characters that really fit into the game.
  • #36
I prefer yoshi or wario. Yoshi seems to be quite fast for his weight class. I've found myself needding more speed at around 5k vr, though, so wario is my heavy main.
  • #37
My favorite characters in Mario Kart 8 are Waluigi because he's light and fast and Link because he's one of my favorite Nintendo characters and Mario because he's the main character from the game and the character with his title name.
  • #38
I usually play Mario, Metal Mario, Link, Wario, Waluigi, and Tanooki Mario.
  • #39
Hello people,

I am asking a new question for everybody

What character(s) do you prefer at Mario Kart 8?

In my opinion, I prefer, Bowser, Morton, Metal Mario and Mii

Why? Because they are very weight and I have a good combo to the weight :p

Now your turn to share at everybody your opinion.

I usually prefer to use medium to light characters mainly because i cant get any of the big guys to turn well enough for me, id pick bowser before and kept bumping into walls and other things because i couldn't get him to turn right >~< my favorite is probably yoshi or baby rosalina though hehe :p yoshi is always too cute for words so i love him no matter what ^^