What country you from ?

  • Thread starter Reece
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  • #21
No. The last one is somewhere on sea. Whereas we have only lakes. These are the photos
This is the famous mysterious structures at "Djavolja Varos" in English, Devil's Valley. There's also a gravity defying hill there.
Our fortress. Located where I live.
The beach of the famous river Danube. Also located where I live.
Fruska Gora, a mountain located also where I live (Novi Sad)
A mountain located on the south.
Here's the correct data. ^_^

Well your country is beautiful !!!!
  • #22
BTW the clock on the fortress has the hour and minute pointers mixed. Meaning if it's 6:05 it's actually 1:30
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  • #23
What a beautiful country! 0.0
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  • #24
What a beautiful country! 0.0

I know right, its the kinda place where its like a movie (scenic), soo beautiful !!
  • #25
And if you've been wondering WTH how do you pronounce my name? It's pronounced (the mile part) mee-lay without the last sound (y) and the sose part is pronounced so-say. at so do not say the last vowel (u) and the lay rule applies to say. All of our language is pronounced in similar ways. A sound is a letter, meaning English spelled s is e and s in Serbian. The more you know.
  • #26
And if you've been wondering WTH how do you pronounce my name? It's pronounced (the mile part) mee-lay without the last sound (y) and the sose part is pronounced so-say. at so do not say the last vowel (u) and the lay rule applies to say. All of our language is pronounced in similar ways. A sound is a letter, meaning English spelled s is e and s in Serbian. The more you know.

I don't understand nothing...
What about Spanish?
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  • #27
I don't understand nothing...
What about Spanish?

Me neither, I didn't understand anything he wrote and I speak english :bag:
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  • #28
Just pronounce it me-lay-so-say fast and it'll be the same. In Serbian language one vowel or sound you make is one letter. Really hard to explain. And I'm actually just now in the way to my Spanish class.
  • #29
Just pronounce it me-lay-so-say fast and it'll be
the same. In Serbian language one vowel or sound you make is one letter. Really hard to explain. And I'm actually just now in the way to my Spanish class.

We have the same pronunciation.
I will take this example:

"Eso es un chiste demasiado gracioso para mi gusto" (есо ес ун чисте демасиадо грачиошо пара ми gusto)

http://translate.google.com.ar/#es/sr/Eso es un chiste demasiado gracioso para mi gusto

http://translate.google.com.ar/#sr/es/есо ес ун чисте демасиадо грачиошо пара ми gusto

(That's a joke too funny for my taste)
http://translate.google.com.ar/#en/sr/Eso es un chiste demasiado gracioso para mi gusto
  • #30
I'm from Pakistan as well and I +1 whatever @Spinnerweb said.

Btw, those girls in Bikini-ish dresses look Seksy :sneaky: *Looks for his passport, wants to move to Trinidad and Tobago*
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  • #31
I'm from Pakistan as well and I +1 whatever @Spinnerweb said.

Btw, those girls in Bikini-ish dresses look Seksy :sneaky: *Looks for his passport, wants to move to Trinidad and Tobago*

;) Women during Carnival dress like this a lot, Carnival is during January-February its a really fun time. I am sure you will enjoy yourself.



If you want to watch a good carnival theme music video Pound The Alarm :thumbsup:
  • #32
Hah, this topic reminds me that I once asked Marc (on Skype) if he was from Trinidad or Tobago (since it says "Trinidad and Tobago" on his location) and he said "Yes", apparently thinking I meant Y/n instead of which island. Pretty funny.
  • #33
Pakistan: Dilawer and Master of Puppets
Trinidad and Tobago: Marc and reece1100
Argentina: Me only :forever alone:
  • #34
Pakistan: Dilawer and Master of Puppets
Trinidad and Tobago: Marc and reece1100
Argentina: Me only :forever alone:
Surprising that there are so few Americans.

But yeah, I'm an American who wants to move to Russia.
  • #35
Surprising that there are so few Americans.

But yeah, I'm an American who wants to move to Russia.

Wow. Why?
Russia must be a cool country right now!

-Tetris song in the head-
  • #36
Hah, this topic reminds me that I once asked Marc (on Skype) if he was from Trinidad or Tobago (since it says "Trinidad and Tobago" on his location) and he said "Yes", apparently thinking I meant Y/n instead of which island. Pretty funny.

I had no idea Marc was from Trinidad :confused:, only a few days ago I found out, but that's awesome. It is pretty funny :hilarious:
Pakistan: Dilawer and Master of Puppets
Trinidad and Tobago: Marc and reece1100
Argentina: Me only :forever alone:

Oh, just a few days ago I though I was the only one from Trinidad also. I never knew dilawer was from Pakistan neither.
  • #37
I had no idea Marc was from Trinidad :confused:, only a few days ago I found out, but that's awesome. It is pretty funny :hilarious:
Mmm... What if you and Marc are neighbors?
  • #38
  • #39
  • #40
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