What is your favorite Monster in the Monster Hunter Series

  • Thread starter Marc
  • Start date
  • #21
Goldbeard Ceadeus.

It looks nice. That's it.
  • #22
I like teostra, it looks like rome mythologyc beast that learn flamethrower,, pretty cool
  • #23
Great Jaggi... Okay, before you start rioting en masse, hear me out. No Great Jaggi, no Jaggi armor. Eh? Eh? No? Okay...
  • #24
my favorite is azure rathalos :D
  • #25
my favorites are definately the fatalis dragons. especially the beautiful white fatalis! it even sounds beautiful when it roars... such a pretty dragon... dragons are my favorite mythical creature. they're always so beautiful... i can't help but say that I've really got a thing for dragons.
  • #26
For some reason, I just really like the Lagombi, dunno why, but I do.
  • #27
I'd say Rathalos, as it's the only monster which never gets boring to fight, and it's also a really intimidating one. I also love hearing it shriek :p
Did you know that there was a mission in the PSP version of Metal Gear Solid: peace Walker that allowed you to fight Rathalos?
  • #28
The lagaricus because when you first encounter it, you don't have a single chance ,but later in the game you can defeat it.
  • #29
The first few times you fight a new foe in Monster Hunter it will almost certainly end you within forty seconds. They are the masters of their environments, the alpha predators, and there you are, turning up with your ludicrous sword and armour made from bits of dinosaur, hacking away at their heels. There's a thrill to seeing something magnificent and menacing, learning its ways and eventually defeating it (whilst, of course, knowing that it's not real and you can make trophies out of it without condemning some wondrous species to extinction. Hurray for video games.) Thus, no favorite monster.
  • #30
Nibelsnarf will always be my favorite :headphone: