What is your favorite multiplayer 3DS game?

  • Thread starter Maxoxie
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The Awesome 3ds Gamer (FC: 1821-9725-2488)
Towns Folk
Pokemon Y for me. Its multiplayer features need a bit improving (such as the trade system which should have shown you your friend's party like in Diamond/Pearl and 6v6 random player battles), but I'm satisfied with it.
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I really enjoyed Animal Crossing's multiplayer. It's just so different to most multiplayer games, it's nice to just sit back, relax, and poach fish from my friend's river.
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Mario Kart 7.
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Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Usually when I play it it's just to talk to friends :p And going on the Tortimer's Isalnd online is fun too :)
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animal crossing: new leaf, too. i usually go tortimer island and play with strangers all aroung the world, (most of them are japanese, i can't speak japanese, and they don't speak english),fun to guess what others is talking about.
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Oh and Animal Crossing New Leaf is also the only game I have with no region-locked local multiplayer! :D
Pokemon takes the cake (for now), but I don't like random battles that often seem unfair because they use legends (some). Mario Kart 7 is alright but the other players look like they're all over the place in online races. KI:U is a similar case where sometimes you can barely hit opponents online. Games that don't need a lot of inputs at one time tend to be the most fluid online.
KIU for me. I can never find it boring.
Though when Smash Bros. 3DS comes out, it'll definitely be first on my list.
  • #10
Pokemon x because its really fun to trade Pokemon with peoples all over the world coool
  • #11
Mario Kart 7. It was fun playing with friends in 3D goodness. xD
  • #12
Pokemon Y. It is the only real multiplayer Nintendo game that I play nowadays.
  • #13
Resident Evil Revelations, if you can find a good partner.
  • #14
Kid Icarus Uprising by far has the best online I've seen in any 3DS game yet. It lets you choose your weapon, select all these different powers to suit your playstyle, and then gives you 2 game modes to play. I've never had more fun in portable multiplayer than in KI:U. It's just fantastic.
  • #15
Definitely Mario kart 7, its so fun racing people around the world to test your hand at the track and determine how good you really are ;) love the game! And playing multiplayer on it especially! If you want to race me just message me, 5PC for every game you win and 5 PC every time I win!
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  • #16
Did anyone ever play multiplayer on the old ds bomber man games? The one where you have to blow up other people on a grid like 2d map? (<not the best description…) any who, that one is probably my favourite :D
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  • #17
My favorite multiplayer game for the 3DS is .......well, it's Pokemon Y (I own the Y variant, that's why). If Monster Hunter 4 offers a great multiplayer experience then I can clearly see it becoming my favorite in the future.
  • #18
My favorite multiplayer game on the 3DS is undoubtedly Pokemon X. That is, because there are so many things you can do online, and the multiplayer adds loads of extra hours. The battles are rewarding, and I just love how well organized the PSS/Multiplayer experience is.
  • #19
I think Monster Hunter series deserves as a favorite (both local and online) multiplayer game.

I never play with online feature (you know why), but local multiplayer is really exciting. You sit together, giving commands to each other, yelling, assisting... Like a real hunting.

Poke battle is fun, too. Perhaps we can look forward into the new Theatrhythm -- though it seems that there is no online battle.
  • #20
I think Monster Hunter series deserves as a favorite (both local and online) multiplayer game.

I never play with online feature (you know why), but local multiplayer is really exciting. You sit together, giving commands to each other, yelling, assisting... Like a real hunting.

Poke battle is fun, too. Perhaps we can look forward into the new Theatrhythm -- though it seems that there is no online battle.
Montser Hunter also has a very enjoyable experience. I found the MH series to have one of the most co-operative players in a lot of online-gaming communities.
Theatrhythm? I do not think they will even implement a multiplayer feature into that game.
if they did, it would be great. You would require precision and quick reactions.