What made/ruined your day

  • Thread starter Lovebeat
  • Start date
  • #21
Made: Got Smash U, one day before release in France, and for cheap !
Ruined: That 3h French test is near... And SSB4's GamePad controls, when left untouched are terrible.
  • #22
Ruined: That 3h French test is near... And SSB4's GamePad controls, when left untouched are terrible.
  • #23
Let's see...
Made: Didn't have to do Marching Band stuff because of snow, so I got to relax and eat Turkey
Ruined: I couldn't spend the day with my marching band friends and won't get to see them til Monday
  • #24
Made: Pokemon X

Ruined: No time to play xD
  • #25
Made: Had a pretty nice day at school today. Had some nice chat with friends, did a couple cool activities, and generally had a nice day.

Ruined: Woke up early for school today, after Thanksgiving break. Was really tired.
  • #26
Made: Got a really high mark on a project that took a lot of effort and work.
Ruined: Not feeling well with a sore throat and a bad headache all day long.
  • #27
Made: I'm finishing school at 2 P.M today
Ruined: Waking up early when you're sleeping well for once because you had an horrible cold.
  • #28
ruined my day:Had to listen to really horrible Pop Music at work
  • #29
Made: Had a really funny/weird/cool day at school today. Mainly because I was acting crazy.
Ruined: Had to take a Fitness test, except it didn't really ruin my day much, since it allowed me to act crazy.
  • #30
Ruined: The SSB Wii U error made me paranoid and now I won't even play the game, and I also just got a fever and have to stay in sick today. Not much to play since I'm not wanting to risk my Wii U being bricked.
  • #31
Made; Managed to get a lot of work done and finished off a major task in my role :3

only a matter of time before it plies up once again, though. The happiness will be short-lived. -.-
  • #32
Runied: I'm going to have to move
  • #33
going to school everyday ruins my day because it is boring upload_2014-12-3_10-22-13.png
  • #34
Made: I learned Pokemon Pinball: RS is coming to Wii U VC in Japan next week. One of my favorite games and I'm glad it'll be on VC.

Ruined: My illness is apparently a sinus infection, and today it got so bad I felt chest pain... So I'm stick in bed all day with my Wii U gamepad, unable to really move much at all as I'm forced to rest.
  • #35
Made : listened to the unrealeased song Noir ( black in French) by Lana del Rey.
  • #36
Made: Aced all my tests, and finished the book I was reading
Ruined: I got hit with some sorta sickness, no clue what, and I don't have the next book in the series I'm reading
  • #37
Made: Got a bunch of very nice birthday wishes from my outside friends and from the site friends :cat:. Thank you all! My friends even got to embarrass me in gym by telling the coaches that it was my birthday. They announced it to the whole class lol.
Ruined: Nothing can ruin a very nice birthday :D
  • #38
made my day:Swamp Simulator (Shrek is life,Shrek is love)
  • #39
made my day:Swamp Simulator (Shrek is life,Shrek is love)
Ruined my day: you just said that
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  • #40
Made: I visited Game Stop and bought a Zelda beltbuckle that was originally mark for $50 but got it at a price of $12 dollars.

Ruined: Came home only to find out that my dog ate half of the novel I had been working on for months...Brutus is a Brute...