I'm not sure if a million would be sufficient for all the stuff I want, but I guess I'll list some of the stuff I would want, well, the stuff that's appropriate
I guess I'd buy out Nintendo, I mean, I'd let them keep doing their thing, but I'll be the brains behind the operation. When they try to pitch new ideas to me, if they suck, they get executed, cuz Nintendo is to successful to be making mistakes like that, their better than that, way better...
Second thing, I'd buy my way into Namco Bandai and try to take over the part of the corporation that makes the Tales Of games, because I have a lot of awesome ideas that I think tales fans would love if I were able to get a little input on what games they would make. Plus, I kinda wanna take over that part of Namco Bandai anyway...
Next, I'd go to Gamestop about every week and buy a bunch of stuff I'm not even gonna play for about a week. They have a bunch of games that I want, but I can't afford them...;-;
Finally, I'd go and rob Wal-Mart for no reason, and no one would try to stop me cuz I'm gonna have craploads of bodyguards protecting me while I rob them. Then after that, Target, then after that....I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Can't really think about anything else other than what's listed above......