whats a better gaming console?nintendo 64 or nes?

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one of a lot of ture gamers :D
Towns Folk
I love playing old schools,we all agree on that.or at least most of us can...nintendo 64?super smash bros came out on that console!who wouldn't say no to n64?nes?super mario bros!a classic!yes,i agree that the graphics stinked back then,but it was the 1980's graphics werent good back then. but it's really hard to choose though,maybe you can get me to n64 or nes!post below and tell me what you think!as always,thank you,and have fun!
i think n64 you have mario 64,mario kart 64,donkey kong 64,Legend of Zelda Oot, and many more classics.and yes dont forget smash,while i do lile the nes and all compared to the n64 is nothing.yes the graphics are bad on the nes but i dont care about graphics i care about the games on the console that being said.N64 GET N OR GET OUT
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well...its good that they dont make stuff like that anymore...cause we could get the virtual console games much more cheaper on the 3ds eshop than buying the real game back in the days...it's really just super mario 64 and smash bros is really all i care about for n64,then for nes,you have much more better games than nintendo 64.so yeah,go big or go home!
N64. You've got (in order of my favorites :p) Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, Super Smash Bros., Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Stadium and Stadium 2, and many more classics! Even though the NES is just amazing, I personally think the N64 does have a bit of an edge on the NES though. ;)
true,i still cant decide if one is better than the other,yes the n64 has a bit more features than a nes,and a nes most likely had more games come out on that console than the 64.and maybe[i think] there were haunted games on the n64,but thats a different topic.
haha Nintendo 64 afcourse!
I have to go with the NES, I love the N64, but the N64 didn't have the 3rd party support that the NES/SNES had and it really did suffer because of it.
N64 of course. Improved graphics, great/popular library of titles and it did pretty well. The NES was alright but N64 was just a cut above it.
The N64, hands down

It's game repertoire it's just amazing, and sources still say most third party companies had abandoned Nintendo, yet it still managed to get a downright massive amount of excellent games from many genres, action/adventure, plataforming, fps, fighting, you name it.

It kinda makes you wonder what would have happened had these companies stayed with nintendo during the N64's lifetime, it would have crushed the competition, it would have been an utter curb-stomping.

Meanwhile, the NES IS good, it is nothing compared to the N64, in fate/stay night terms, the NES is Saber, but the N64 is Gilgamesh. (For those who don't get it, the NES is amazing, an excellent console, but the N64 just surppasses it in just about everything, it's not that the NES is bad, it's that the N64 is better on a whole different level)

So, yeah, the N64 is awesome
  • #10
I'm still confused as to why people make threads like these; it's not a matter of opinion. Nintendo 64 was better. Everything about it was better.

So Nintendo 64.
  • #11
N64 cause of the 3D graphics and my favorite games are on it
  • #12
I love playing old schools,we all agree on that.or at least most of us can...nintendo 64?super smash bros came out on that console!who wouldn't say no to n64?nes?super mario bros!a classic!yes,i agree that the graphics stinked back then,but it was the 1980's graphics werent good back then. but it's really hard to choose though,maybe you can get me to n64 or nes!post below and tell me what you think!as always,thank you,and have fun!
  • #13
Favorite system mentioned here... Nintendo 64.
Favorite system of all time... Tie between SNES and Wii... NES slightly beating it. (Slightly)
  • #14
I don't think that there is a reason to even compare those systems. Nintendo Entertainment System was released in 1984, whereas the N64 was released in 1996. The N64 built upon the success of it's predesessor, and the gap of over 10 years in between the systems gave plenty of time for Nintendo to refine their systems and improve. Even a year in the gaming industry brings us huge innovations, so let alone 10 years...
  • #15
Between those two, the n64 is the better gaming console. For one, it has the capability to render graphics that actually look like something compared to nes graphics where you can't even tell what is a thing. Second, the analog stick provides 360degree control immersion into the game as for the additional buttons which allows for advacned games to be made on it
  • #16
N64 was better, but Snes games was more epic!
  • #17
I believe that both of coonsoles make up a very good memory and that both consoles are one of the best things that Nintendo made . My vote goes for the N64 because many of its games are well known to everyone and remade to make everything live again . Like the best-selling Zelda game Ocarina of Time as well as Super Mario World 64 and not to mention that it was the first console to have Super Smash Bros . It is that cool !
  • #18
In my opinion and maybe a cluster of people's too N64 is WAY butter then NES since it's in 3D and the games on it were memorable and quite fun if you ask me, especially Mario Potty, er Party :p Not to mention OoT was da freaken best and still is till this day not mention MM was so good that they enhanced it and build onto it in 3D :D
  • #19
Oh man I think I would have to say Nintendo 64. I remember at that time I thought those graffics were sick. Those graffics were revolutionary to video games at the time.one thing that I really like about the nes games is that they were challenging but the graffics weren't as good.were the 64 they still had difficulty in them and the graffics were awesome. Games now a days are pretty easy you can beat a game in a day or two but the graffics are off the charts
  • #20
I Think that the Nintendo 64 is superior because it's what started so many new franchises that we've all come to love and it introduced us to gaming like we had never seen it before, in the 3D! Mario Kart, SSB, Mario in General, donkey kong and many many more, but with all the good doughnuts there's a bagel in the middle. I'm looking at you superman 64.