What's Your Preferred Genre for Games?

  • Thread starter dilawer
  • Start date
  • #41
I love a good JRPG but platformers, Party games, Fighting games, and puzzle games are pretty good too, I like watching horror games but I'm not too good with playing them myself, I also like a few racers and stealth games are fun.
  • #42
RPG games are for me because they usually take you many hours to beat and have engaging stories to tell
  • #43
Most RPGs can be beaten in less than 5 hours if you know what to do, at least JRPGs, I haven't played any WRPGs
  • #44
I tend to like all games, without exeption but my favourite genres are Action-adventure, racing, fighting and rpgs. Now that I think about it twice, I don't like puzzle games or those ones you find in facebook, like Candy crush! I don't like that game.
  • #45
I like platformers that are on the easier side like Starfy and Kirby as well as simulation games like Animal Crossing New Leaf and Harvest Moon ^~^ I also like games that have kind of open levels like Epic Mickey, I'm not sure what genre that is though.
  • #46
My favourite game genre is probably action, adventure, horror, racing, platforming, RPGs, puzzle games and most of all POKEMON!