Who ACTUALLY plays with 3D on?

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  • #21
I think I've only tried playing with 3D mode on when I got a 3Ds for the first time and that one time where I tried to play Mario Kart 7 with it on. It hurts my eyes so I don't play stuff with 3D mode on even though cutscenes and stuff look a bit nice I guess.
  • #22
I don't use the 3DS feature since I have a 2DS which I don't mind since it still does all the things the 3DS does and the 2DS works perfectly fine. Which also makes me think of why I ranted and givin hate to the console in the first place when it just works perfectly fine and the only thing that we ranted about was its nonclambshell design rather than it's disability to render 3D like the 3DS. Though some people on Youtube were going against people ranting about the console like crazy.
Example: Sammyclassicsonicfan "YOU FRICKEN FRICKS!!!!!!!!!!"
  • #23
I personally don't use it often, even if the feature is ok.
I think it's way better in the N3DS(because of reviews). I've used quite a bit in Pokémon Y and OR/AS. To test the graphics while in battle, where alright :)
Personally my eyes don't hurt while using it but sometimes the effects are useless in some games imo.
  • #24
The 3D has never hurt my eyes before, even when all the way up, so I use it often. However, if I use it really depends on whether or not I remember to have it on. Often I forget to actually turn the 3D on, so wile I like it, especially in games like KI:U and SS3DL, I may just forget.
  • #25
Sometimes I do, but it just gets irritating in games like MH4U since you have to look at the 3DS at *juuuuust* the right angle or else it isn't gonna look good.
  • #26
I have a 2ds right now, but when I do get to play 3ds (Regular) I leave the 3d off, it hurts my eyes so badly, now, when I play the New Nintendo 3ds, I enjoy the 3d, it doesn't hurt my eyes and it's more stable. Heck, I played the 3d on in a car and I was fine with the New Nintendo 3ds. I enjoy it on ONLY on the new version, NOT on the regular 3ds.
  • #27
I haven't gotten around to getting the New 3DS with the improved 3D so as of right now, no. I play my games in 2D and occasionally, for let's say Pokemon, I'll watch cut scenes in 3D. It looks really cool but it puts heavy strain on my eyes since they get strained looking at a normal screen anyways. If the regular sized New 3DS came out in the US I'd get behind it but I personally think the New 3DS is too big and just not worth it for the improved 3D (not because of specs, but because the size).
  • #28
I actually don't. Some games have beautiful 3D cutscenes so I switch the 3D on for that, but overall I find the 3D a bit distracting. With most games it also doesn't really add to the gameplay. The main reason I don't use 3D too often however, is the way it can drain your batteries. I usually play on the go so I like my batteries full. :p
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  • #29
I use it for cutscenes, at that's it really.
  • #30
I never play on 3d mode !!

I hate 3d mode in 3ds,it really badly effects my eyes and soon after i start feeling dizziness and start getting headache.
  • #31
I never play on 3d mode !!

I hate 3d mode in 3ds,it really badly effects my eyes and soon after i start feeling dizziness and start getting headache.
If that's the case you should recalibrate the 3D to suit your vision better. If you get all dizzy and that it's probably just a tiny bit of, so that your brain tries to compensate for it (which in its turn can give you a headache).
  • #32
I use 3D from time to time, mostly since I got the new 3DS.

I like to watch cutscenes and stuff like that using 3D, they often are gorgeous ^^

Fantasy Life in 3D was really sweet!
  • #33
I never play it with 3D on. The 3D kinda puts strain on my eyes.
  • #34
I do most of the time, except when somebody else is watching me or some other play. It might be head-ache inducing and annoying at first, but it's sweet once you get used to it.
  • #35
I personally don't play games with it on. It doesn't really enhance anything for me and makes everything look weird no matter how much I mess with it. Eventually I just gave it up as a lost cause and play with it completely off now. >~<
  • #36
I'm not gonna lie, I forgot there was a 3D function. is so weird trying to play a game with that on
  • #37
I personally don't play with the 3D function on ever because I can't see the effect. I can't see the 3D effect in movies either. Having it on is just pointless for me, I even disabled it haha. That way if I accidentally push the slider up while playing it doesn't make a difference!
  • #38
I remember when the 3DS first came out, and someone had one and was trying to play it at my highschool... they were awkwardly angling the screen around their face and couldn't manage to see anything. That's pretty much the same for me or anyone else who I know that has a 3DS, haha.
I really don't like the 3D and how it can accidentally turn on if you have a 3DS because it looks pretty horrible (not to mention I have an astignatism so I especially don't see that stuff) and the 3D also makes a rainbow glare if you're playing the system outside on the bus or something.... so I just have a 2DS.
  • #39
Easy to forget, it's not like it's called 3DS or something, right? :p
  • #40
I usually don't use 3D with games that are heavy in action or have a lot of camera movement, I start to get a bit dizzy like I would while reading/playing on a car journey. Sometimes I use 3D with MH4U when I'm just walking around, the environments look really nice.

A real problem I have with 3D however is when I have my glasses on. Even on the lowest setting, it puts so much strain on my eyes to see it feels like they're going to fall out of the socket lol