would you rather...

  • Thread starter Tyrone
  • Start date


Totally Marcs Alt :3
Banned User
Hey guys i decided to start a new lil game now in this game you list 2 things and the person who post next has to choose 1 and has to post another 2 things :p so i guess ill go first.

would you rather.
be in a white room for a year and a half with only a book of poems.
tightrope across the grand canyon.
Be in the white room, depending on if the book of poems includes the book of Psalms in the Bible. ;)

Would you rather spend no time on social media for a month or spend no time on forums for a month?
I would spend no time on forums for a month.

Would you rather: Have a seizure or throwup
I would just throwup.
Would you rather swim with sharks or kiss your teacher?
Be in the white room, depending on if the book of poems includes the book of Psalms in the Bible. ;)

Would you rather spend no time on social media for a month or spend no time on forums for a month?
high five bruh!
I would rather be in dat white room reading up on those poems.
I would rather spend no time on the forum for a month, because the forum is social media so if I didn't do social media for a month I still wouldn't be able to spend time on the forum. Media means communication :p
I would rather throw up.
Last one, I would rather... well my teacher isn't that bad, it just depends on what type of sharks they are :D
(and i did so not get the first qustion from a book i read XD)
Lemme continue :
Would you rather ~
  • Be able to fly in the sky but never come down

  • Be able to go underground but never come back up
  • #10
Lemme continue :
Would you rather ~
  • Be able to fly in the sky but never come down

  • Be able to go underground but never come back up
Fly of course! I need vitamin D from the sun and if I can fly around I can still eat. While floating :p
  • #11
ok ill start it off again :p

would you rather

have a pet wolf

have a pet lion

(personaly i chose wolf XD)
  • #12
None, they would eat me!
  • #13
@SamwiseGaming you gotta choose one :meh: and you have to give 2 more things to choose
  • #14
  • #15
@Eridan I rather fly because if I were to go underground I would lack Mineral D D; and I always had a passsion for flying ever since I was small to see the ground from above and fly away from school :p
  • #16
would you rather...

hold a poisonous spider

hold a poisonous snake
  • #17
I would rather hold the poisonous snake :D

Would you rather:
Shoot the president to save yourself from dieing


Would you rather jump into an antlion pit?
  • #18
Depending on who the president was, I'd shoot him to save myself. Otherwise, I'd jump into the antlion pit.

Would you rather...

Chop off your hand to prevent a zombie bite from spreading

Stand over the Rancor pit
  • #19
I'd chop off my own hand, that way I could have a hook hand wouldn't become a Zombie!

Okay would you rather be able to teleport against your will or be able to hear the thoughts of everyone?
  • #20
Hear the thoughts of everyone (。●ω●。) So I'll know what everyone is thinking >:3

Would you rather sleep In a room full of deadly snakes.
Kill your family so you'll be immortal and rich.