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You’d expect to wake up in a bed after a good night sleep, but my life is a
little...different. You see, I live underwater. I am a rare type of human that can live in both water and land. We help the people up on land transport things to where they need to get to. My name is Jason Cooper, and if I were to describe how I look I would tell you I have blue eyes just like the ocean I live in, i’m around 5’6, I’m a bit tan, I’m always wearing Guess Jeans shirts and blue jeans,i have black fluffy hair according to my friend, Stephanie. I go to school up on land. I’ve met a few friends like Bentley,Paul, and Stephanie . Bentley wears glasses he is pretty short, shorter than me actually, he has freckles and brown curly hair, he is really smart and has all A’s in his classes and I can’t even get a B to save my life. Paul also wears glasses but he is a bit taller than me, he has black hair and has brown eyes. We met in the 6th grade when I stole one of his Hershey bars. He was mad at me for a day, but we started talking to each other the next day at lunch. I met Bentley when our biology teacher, Mr.Flores, paired us up for a group project. We got an A+ on it, that was the only time I got an A in my life. Stephanie has blue eyes like me has long brown hair she has light skin since she never goes outside much since she is always inside playing video games. I met her when i went to a gaming convention with Paul. I got to school and I was not looking forward to Ms.Yates algebra test today. Paul came over while I was walking to my locker “Hey Jason, what’s up?” he said. “Nothing much, I can’t wait to get to algebra and take the 50 question test today” I was being sarcastic but i guess he didn’t get it, I mean he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. “Cool, well i’ll see ya at lunch!” he looked really tired like if he hadn’t slept in a week. I said bye to Paul, grabbed my stuff and went to biology class. There i saw both Bentley and Stephanie i prefer to call her Steph since it’s shorter and she likes it better. I sat next to Bentley “Hey Jason” “Hey Bentley, how ya been?” “I’ve been great.” Mr.Flores came and passed out a few worksheets for us to works on. We were still on the basics which kind of annoyed me since I was more advanced in biology than in any of my other classes. I’m completely lousy at algebra, which is why i’m not looking forward to the test. I finished the worksheet and handed it to Mr.Flores. I put my head down to rest since I hadn’t slept very well last night. I found myself on the shore with nothing but my underwear on this morning. Boy that was embarrassing. Stephanie came over and asked if I wanted to come over and play some Splatoon after school. I said sure and as I said it the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and ran to my next class...algebra. It was on the other side of school and we only have five minutes to get our stuff and get to class, the bell rang and i was late...again
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