Final Fantasy VII:Cloud's Quest-1:Embark!

Final Fantasy VII:Cloud's Quest-1:Embark!

Note:Please do not criticize me if I get anything wrong about Final Fantasy. I made this up because I do not know much about Final Fantasy.

Cloud was sleeping at his house when Tifa knocked at his door. "Come in," he said, picking up a remote and hitting a button, unlocking the door. Tifa walked in. "Uhh, I have something to tell you,"She said. Cloud got up from bed. "What?" He asked. "You were chosen for a secret mission," She replied. "And I am going to be your assistant through a holography device." "Can I sleep for a few more minutes?" Cloud asked. "OK," Tifa replied, shrugging her shoulders."I'll be waiting at the door when you wake up." She went outside. When Cloud woke up, he felt like he had slept for a day. He grabbed his Buster and walked outside. Tifa was still there. She got up from the wall, grabbed Cloud's arm, and ran. "Where are we going?" "No spoilers," Tifa replied. Cloud groaned. Then they reached a building. They entered a room with a gray haired man holding a pen and paper. "All you have to do is sign this," he said, handing Cloud the pen. Cloud signed the paper, and the sound of a portal opening nearby. And then-BOOM! A meteor crashed near the building. Tifa and Cloud raced out the collapsing building. Cloud saw his motorcycle in the alley way as Tifa faded into a blue,fiery mist behind him. He hopped onto the cycle and sped into the portal.
Henry 25313
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