Hello...fellow Pedians

Hello...fellow Pedians

Hello 3DSpedia...it is I your friend the Purple Guy. Now, you might be asking "Where is Jeff?"

Hahaha, now why do you want the other guy? I'm much more fun to be around. I'm a better...well you know. We can all go to a fun Pizzeria and we can have cake and pizza (or toast), and while we're having fun I will happily add you all to Freddy and the gang.

You look like you'll fit into a Fazbear suit...and you do you like Bonnie...I like Bonnie...he's

But don't worry your piety killer is safe...but he's 'dying' to see you all again. And he's waiting to 'Spring' from my 'Trap'.

Sadly he begged that I wouldn't touch his play coins so I can't change my name.
See you all around *laughs*
Jeff The Killer
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Meh purple isn't that cool of a color. Your text wasn't even purple, at least Jeff was creative and did a good job at killing
Do I get my margarita pizza now?
Kekekekekekeke, seems like the pulse guy isn't popular around here, judging from the other comments. Luckily, I'm smart enough to know NOT to tick off a killer
0/10 IGN
What was that?
me want Jeff >:(
FNAF is a terrible franchise, I have teleportation powers too, I'm coming to get U