Hurricane: Day 11, Part Two

Hurricane: Day 11, Part Two

Day 11, Part Two
We staggered back upstairs... I plopped myself down at the kitchen table and grabbed another slice of pizza. I plunked the now gleaming black sword onto the table. Jackson sat at side across from me and grabbed his own slice. I just realized that I had started my fifth slice, and Jackson had just now started his second.
"Where do you put all of that food?" Jackson asked.
"That's not important right now,"I said, "we have more pressing issues. Why did that sword transform into this really shiny new blade?"
" Well, I think that it claimed you."
"Claimed me?"I asked. "What do you mean it claimed me?"
"Dude, you said you felt like you were drawn to the blade, right? Well, the blade must have sensed something about you, and accepted you to be it's owner, thus restoring it to all of it's former glory."
"I suppose that makes sense," I mused. I grabbed another slice.
"Dude, you have a pizza problem,"Jackson grumbled.
"Your just mad there's not going to be any left for you by the time i'm done," I said happily.
"Whatever. Troy, I just want to make sure that you know something." He walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed his laptop. He typed something and then swiveled the computer around for me to see. On the screen was a news article. I read the headline.

Chaos in Manhattan, New York:
Early last month, there have been strange sightings in Manhattan, New York. Some people claimed to have seen a man in flames, others say they saw a man with unnatural strength. There have been sightings everywhere all over the U.S.A. Is this some government operation we don't know about? Read next week's article to find out!
I closed the screen. After a moment of silence, I asked the big question.
"How is this even possible?"
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Good Work!

( You are much better then me at not adding in an insane amount of characters at once ;P )
Haha, thanks! I try to take it slow. Thanks for telling me I messed up on the title on my last post, I actually didn't get what you meant until yesterday!