Maze Runner FanFic

Maze Runner FanFic

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Maze Runner movies.

Selene shifted in the cell next door. Thomas and Teresa watched as she slowly sat up. Well, tried to anyway.

“Where’s everyone else?” Selene asked. She looked around and finally spotted her cellmates.

“Follow up question, what are you doing here?” Thomas laughed and the girls looked at him confused.

“You’re in a jail cell and the first you ask about is the others? What planet are you from?” Selene looked around seriously.

“Judging by how much pain I’m in, I’m guessing yours.” Selene said with a smile. Teresa frowned and Thomas chuckled. Selene chuckled too, but it was cut short with a gasp of pain.

“Are you alright Selene? You sound awful.” Teresa asked. Selene frowned in mock offense.

“Gee, thanks for the compliment. I’m fine though.” Teresa even smiled to that.

“Why do you do that Selene?” Thomas asked.

“Do what?” Thomas gestured to her.

“How do you laugh at your own pain? I know you’re only this optimistic when you’re hurt. And I've only known you for two days.”

“Well it’s better than complaining about it all the time, right? I’m optimistic when other people need me to be. You like me more than you like Galley.” Thomas threw his hands up in frustration.

“There you go again; cracking jokes with cracked ribs.” Teresa held back a laugh.

“My ribs aren’t cracked. But they will be if you keep up that attitude.” Teresa let herself laugh a little before trying to hold it in again.

“Why?” Thomas asked even more confused.

“’Cause I’ll be cracking your ribs with jokes too.” Selene and Teresa laughed. Selene grimaced but didn’t stop.

“What are all you laughing at?” Newt asked. Thomas pointed to the two girls. Selene had stopped laughing and Teresa was wiping her eyes.

“My pain.” Selene answered seriously.
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