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My next movie rant.

So here I go again. I'm not going to make this superhero rant nearly as long as the other one FYI. I'm still not completely sure why I'm doing this. I guess I just like to talk about movies. (Hopefully somebody reads this one this time.................)

So what's going on in the movie industry that I want to talk about? Well once again the thing most on my mind are superhero movies, specifically Aquaman. Now for those who do not know Aquaman is right around the corner and about to be released. There are actually a decent amount of people excited for it too. Personally I am not at all excited for this movie. Firstly this is not the first time we have seen this actor playing Aquaman. He was in Justice League, a movie that I absolutely hated. The only reason I'm glad I saw it is because of how my friend and I made fun of the movie the whole time. But Justice League's problem's aside, what were my first impressions of this new Aquaman?

Well I did not like it at all. Too me Aquaman just did not feel like Aquaman. Aquaman was never a awesome, that's why he was always made fun of. People would continuously mock him since his only superpower is being able to talk to fish. He's not manly or that tough at all. Plus this aquaman also looks nothing like Aquaman did in the comics. Where's the orange shirt? Where's the short blonde hair? That aside I still did not like him however. To me he did not feel that fleshed out in Justice League at all. It seemed to be he was just some "awesome" with a trident.

So now finally, the new movie. The trailers look okay. I still don't Aquaman but what about everything else? What about Aquaman's lady friend? It seems that their relationship is going to play a large part in this movie. Well based off the trailers I have seen their chemistry does not seem to be astounding. Part of me still blames the actor who plays Aquaman for this. I just don't think he is doing that great of a job in this role. But still, what made the Avengers movies so good is the chemistry between the characters. How strong their bond is makes them fighting together a lot more believable (Yes Justice League had this problem but I'm done talking about that movie). Based off of the trailers the chemistry between the two of them feels a little too artificial. It does not feel completely real.

Speaking of being artificial the "humor" seems to have the same problem as Justice League. The big difference between comedic superhero movies like Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy is that these movies do not take themselves seriously. Aquaman seems to try find a balance between taking itself seriously and not taking itself seriously. Based off the trailer where they showed that scene in the sahara desert, this movie will suffer from that same problem. While the movie seems take itself less seriously than Justice League and Batman v. Superman it still takes itself seriously. I think DC is scared that if they don't take themselves seriously their movie will be seen as a joke and not good. Well it's not that Deadpool and Guardians did not take themselves seriously at all, they just knew when to and when not to. DC is still struggling to figure that out.

Also really quick I want to bring up the villain. Because which villain is it? Is it black manta or the old king of atlantis? I have no idea. But unless they make this movie like 2 and a half hours long it seems that this movie will be too split on which direction it wants to go. Because you can only have one main villian in a movie for it to really work. Just look at Spiderman 3.

But that's gonna be it for my Aquaman thoughts. I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day! :) Rate and leave a comment if you agree/disagree with me and if you want me to do some more! I like movies so I enjoy doing these.
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Aquamans power isnt only talking to fish..
Yes I know aquaman does not only talk to fish but still. To me aquaman was never seen and should never be potrayed as the kind of awesome he has been made out to be in the DCEU