Pokeumans Chapter 2

Pokeumans Chapter 2

Chapter 2

BBBRRRIIINNNGGG!!!! The school bell snapped Forza out of her trance and she stood up from her desk. She didn’t particularly remember how they got to the base, but she remembered where it was. Settlement Canyon Base was over 2,000 miles away from where she was standing now, but that was the base she called home.

As she sat down in her math class, she barely paid attention as she reminisced on that day she found her new home.

Forza’s POV

“Welcome to the Settlement Canyon Base!” Buck spread his arms out in a welcoming manner, but I didn’t feel welcome. The purple chains still wrapped around my arms (which were now covered with dark grey fur) and some Pokémon were staring at me. I stared right back. This is way too weird, but I know I’m not dreaming. The truck ride told me that.

“Come on, the headmaster’s office should be right this way.” The Absol – Mason – beckoned me to the side to a pair of startling white doors with some kind of crest on it. The crest was four inter-locking rings shaped into a square. I couldn’t help but think it was a boring crest. Buck knocked on one of the doors and it creaked open.

“Headmaster Grayson, we need your help.” Buck asked and motioned toward my chains. The Pokémon – I think he was a Garchomp – stood up from his white-brick desk and moved closer to me. I backed up instinctively and he chuckled.

“You have nothing to fear, young Zoroark. You are safe from the clutches of Pokéxtinction. May I take a look at your chains?” He reached his hand out and I stepped forward.

“Pokéxtinction? What’s that?” I asked carefully. I didn’t want to upset this massive beast. His eyes darkened and I stepped back.

“Pokéxtinction is an organization made to kill or capture Pokéumans to serve their own purpose. What that purpose is, no one knows. I think I know a way to get this off.” He changed the subject to my chains. He reached into his desk and pulled out some kind of knife that sparked with energy. Before I could say anything, he sliced the chains and they fell off me.

“Thanks, what are those?” I asked. Headmaster Grayson bent down to pick them up but they disappeared with a flurry of sparks.

“What was that?” Buck asked. The Headmaster shrugged and sat back down at his desk.

“We probably shouldn’t worry about that now. Right now we need to show our new friend to her room. Buck, please take her to Room #156 to help her get settled in. Here is your class schedule.” He handed me a slip of paper with a bunch of weird classes on it.

“Yes Headmaster. Come along Forza.” Buck took me by the arm and escorted me out of the Garchomp’s office. I held back my grimace; he had grabbed my bad arm. Once the doors closed behind us I pulled my arm away.

“Will somebody please explain to me what’s going on?” I demanded and I felt an odd tingling sensation across my whole body. A brilliant flash of white enveloped me and I gasped. My whole body was…shifting. When the light faded, I had grey fur all over me with dark blue claws. My ears had moved to the top of my head and sharpened while my toes morphed together to form three blue claws. My fingers were replaced with three large blue claws and my shoulder slid painlessly back into it’s socket. Buck looked me up and down.

“That was the fastest transformation I have ever seen.” Buck gasped. I scoffed.

“Did I amaze you? Well get used to it. I’m unlike anything you’ve ever seen.” I said. My voice sounded deeper, almost a tenor voice. I was usually a soprano.

“Huh, the voice doesn’t usually change with the transformation…”

“Like I said before, get used to it.” I turned to face down the hallway. It had emptied after I transformed. I had this urge to fight. It was almost…animalistic.

“Just down this hall and to the right is your room. Now, keep in mind you will have roommates for safety reasons. I think you share a room with Fortis and Igna.” Buck pointed down the hall and turned to leave.

“Oh yeah, one more thing. Save the battles for the gym please?” Buck called over his shoulder. I turned back to my door. The door was made out of glimmering emeralds and the knob was a shimmering sapphire.

“Fancy Schmancy.” I muttered. I reached for the handle and slowly turned it. It made no noise as it turned outward. I peeked inside and gasped at what I saw.

“This has got to be a dream.” The whole room was made out of a fiery red ruby with two wooden desks, and three beds. Two of them were stacked like bunk beds.

“This is no dream, Blue.” I spun around to attack the voice behind me, but the Lucario ducked from my fist.

“Whoa! Easy there Big Blue. You almost hit me.” A Shiny Delphox stood behind the Lucario with her arms crossed.

“So, you must be our new roomie. I’m Igna.” The Delphox stuck her hand out for me to shake and I did.

“I’m Fortis. What’s your name?” The Lucario asked.

“I’m Forza.” I said simply. Fortis shook my hand and I swear I felt electricity shoot up my arm. We both looked into each other’s eyes and we locked gazes. I felt the strangest warmth spread through me, I couldn’t describe it.

“Let’s look at your class schedule.” Igna broke us out of our trance and we all went inside.

“The top bunk’s mine. But you can have the not-bunk bed if you want?” Fortis offered. I nodded and sat down on the bed. I was holding my schedule kind of tight in my hands, so I loosened my grip and handed it to Igna. She looked carefully at it.

“That’s odd. You have almost the same exact schedule as Fortis. The only things our schedule’s have in common are Lunch and Battle Training.” She handed my schedule back and I looked over it:

6:00-7:30 Breakfast

7:45-9:00 Pokémon History

9:05-10:20 Mathematics

10:25-11:40 Meditation

11:45-12:45 Lunch

12:50-2:05 Battle Training

3:20-4:35 Language Arts

4:40-6:00 Human History

6:00-7:30 Dinner

7:30-11:00 Free

11:00-6:00 a.m. Lights Out

“That is weird.” Fortis said from over my shoulder and I flinched.

“Sorry. It’s just that the only difference between our schedules is Meditation. I have Aura Mastery instead. But then again, only Lucarios are in that class. Are you always this jumpy?” I looked up to see Igna and Fortis’s concerned faces waiting for me to answer. Why would they be concerned? They hardly know me.

“Yes. It’s probably because of this Pokéxtinction group everyone’s talking about. What are they anyway?” I asked. They exchanged a look between them and Igna cleared her throat.

“You’ll learn about them in Pokémon History. You’ll also figure out how we came to be.” I groaned. I had enough of these people keeping secrets.

“Why won’t anybody tell me what’s going on? Am I broken or something?!” I shouted. The others stood back.

“No, of course not! Look, it’s 8:00 Free Time, so let’s go to the gym to work off your frustration, okay?” Fortis offered. I took a deep breath and nodded. I needed to work this stress off.

“Alright, you lead the way. But I hate following slow movers.”

Chapter 3: Next
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Good chapter
That Lucario be trippin'!