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The Adventures of Stikman #1 Part 4

Hey all, Basics here. It has been almost two years since Part 3 was published on this site, and its been needing a conclusion for so long. Finally, Part 4 has released. You can read below to see what its all about.
I hope you all enjoy some of whats to come :)
NOTE: This is true for all my stories, but this story was made just for fun!

NOTE 2: Stikman isn’t as OP as he was in Part 3; he can’t be completely invincible...
---------------Fourth Wall - Story starts past here-------------------------------
"COME ON, SKELETH! YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!" Stikman kept dodging everything Team Skeleth threw at him, all the bullets, the Slicer-and-Dicer's buzzsaws, everything. While he was taunting them, the Air Warriors were starting to sense the trouble, and were waking up. Here's a little backstory on them:
Thousands of years ago, the Air Warriors were built to protect Stikland from threats unknown. But, the problem was that nothing happened. The Air Warriors, not having a purpose, were put to work doing labor, before eventually just being stored away in a remote area.

This time, however, they had a purpose! They were powering on, and more eager than ever to join the fight.

The air warriors flew into action, using rocket boosters to fly towards their target at 500mph! Then, they arrived.

“What in the world are those?!” Member Tall exclaimed in confusion.

The mastermind saw it too. “I have no idea, but they appear to be armed!”
The mastermind was right. Each of them was armed with two laser railguns, a laser minigun, rocket launchers, and an array of other things. They started analyzing Team Skeleth, making sure they were their target. Once they were sure, they started their offensive.

“They’re starting to attack! Everyone hold your ground!” Member Small shouted.

The Air Warriors started firing their lasers like mad. There were about five of them, so you can imagine what it was like for Team Skeleth: absolute chaos.

“AHHHHH!” All three members screamed simultaneously, as a barrage of attacks came down on them. They tried to fight back with their Slice-n-Dicers and machine guns, but it ultimately failed; they were overwhelmed. Stikman watched and stood there in amazement. Team Skeleth lay there stunned, unable to do anything. The mastermind struggled, but he got up.

“You won’t defeat us this easily!” He pressed a button in his hand, and a whirring sound emanated throughout everyone. Then, clicks and clamps started to sound. Immediately, a giant attack helicopter formed around all three members, and started to lift itself in the air!

“Uh oh!” exclaimed Stikman. He tried to destroy it with his laser eyes, but they reflected them and he burned himself!

“AGH!!” screamed Stikman. The attack helicopter then turned to the Air Warriors. After an intense fight with one of them, the first of five went down. The other Air Warriors seeked vengeance after that… but this only doomed them more.

One after one fell with their fallen comrades… but one remained. This one seemed more resillient than the others, and it was ready to protect Stikland. Stikman flew beside it, and they started their defensive.

===END OF PART 4===

Thank you so much for waiting, guys! Part 5 will come out VERY soon; look out for it, when the final Air Warrior, and Stikman, defeat Team Skeleth once and for all, concluding #1! After Part 5, I plan to make a remake of the “Who would adults main in Smash Bros.” blog post I made several years back. Later!

Latest Comments

You should add some stickman drawings too :P
A little late for that XP Maybe if I ever make a #2...