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The Adventures of Stikman #1 Part 5 - FINALE

Hello, guys! Basics here. Remember how I said "Part 5 will come out VERY soon"? Well.. sorry about that. It's now over nine months later. I'm getting around to finishing it, though! Now, you will be able to learn what happens.. in TAoS #1 Part 5. I hope you enjoy!

Please read the other four parts if you have not already! Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
"Stikman and the robot are coming! What do we do?" inquired Member Small.
"We shoot them down, of course." the mastermind smirked. The mastermind opened fire, but Stikman and the air warrior seemed to be good at dodging. A few bullets hit them, but no more.
"Our bullets aren't hitting! What do we do?!" Member Tall asked.
"Launch the missiles!" the mastermind commanded.
The two others agreed, and got to the missile launchers.
"On my word, launch the homing missiles! One..." Stikman and the air warrior got ever closer with each second.
"Two..." Stikman and the air warrior were now 500 feet away.
The missiles exited their compartment and sped towards their targets. It didn't take long for Stikman to notice.
"Wait... what's that?" Stikman's eyes squinted, and then he saw it: five homing missiles.
"Homing missiles?!” Stikman was worried. He knew that those homing missiles contained a reasonable dose of Stiktonite, one of Stikman’s only weaknesses. He dodged all of the missiles, but the air warrior was struck with two of them. The outer shell sustained decent amounts of damage. The helicopter started moving away from Stikman and the air warrior, so the speed of all 3 were the same.
“Hah! Your time is up! Finally, we will have claimed another land in our ever-growing empire!” The mastermind laughed maniacally.
“You don’t realize that none of those missiles hit me?” Stikman rolled his eyes and continued his push. The air warrior was starting to show signs of disrepair. After all, thousands of years of no maintenance isn’t a good thing. Soon enough, one rocket booster engine failed. Another five seconds, and two of the four engines had failed. The air warrior started to lose altitude. Finally, all engines failed. The air warrior started dropping out of mid-air.
“Don’t fall yet! Keep going!” Stikman yelled back in hope, but the air warrior couldn’t keep going. It fell farther and farther onto the ground, but then, in its final moments, shot everything that it had at Team Skeleth’s helicopter. The helicopter sustained heavy damage, but stood. The air warrior crashed onto the ground and exploded. Wiping a single tear, Stikman saluted and kept flying. Since going faster would make the helicopter fall apart, Skeleth flew slower and slower. Stikman finally had a chance. Soon, he realized that only one option would truly eradicate Team Skeleth. He knew what it would cost. He thought of all of the people in Stikland: the kindly old king, the everyday people, his old childhood friends, heck, even his old bullies! He decided that Team Skeleth could not succeed, no matter what. In a last attempt of desperation, Stikman flew at the speed of sound towards the helicopter.
“Someone stop him!” Member Tall shook in terror and fear.
“Fire the weapons, sire!” Member Small yelled.
“We have no weapons!” the mastermind said, starting to realize that they were going to lose. The mastermind screamed: "YOU FOOL! DON'T YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO TO YOURSELF?!"
Stikman sped up more and more.
"Yes, I do, and you know what? That's OK. As long as Stikland is OK, then I am OK. I know what I'm going to do, Skeleth, and I've accepted my fate." He extended a fist forward. "I won't let you hurt them any longer."
The mastermind scrambled for words, insults, anything, but he couldn't think of any more. Soon, it was too late. Stikman sighed, smiling, remembering all of the fun times he'd had with his friends and family. He remembered playing soccer as a kid, exploring Stikland, and making new friends along the way. He remembered the embarrassing moments, the angry moments, the sad moments where he just wanted to cry, and the happy moments, where he was ecstatic, bursting with positive energy. He asked himself if he was truly ready for this, and he decided that he was.
THIS… IS… FOR… STIKLAAAAAAND!” he kamikazed right into the helicopter. A huge mushroom cloud towered high into the atmosphere. All of Team Skeleth were instantly vaporized, along with their helicopter.
When the fireball finally disappeared, Stikman fell onto the ground hard. The people of Stikland ran over to help him. Stikman was dead. People started crying.
“He sacrificed his whole life.. For us..” a stickman said.
“We were powerless, and he came to help us in our last hours of desperation.”
Finally, the old king came out from his castle to see. When the crowd saw him, they immediately let him through. He slowly walked to Stikman. He knelt down and observed him.
“His funeral will put all funerals to shame. Let’s prepare and celebrate Stikman’s life, and feel gratitude for what he has done!”
All the people started to brighten up. Then, they started to smile. Then, they started cheering.
“I’ll get the food!” one eagerly said, running off to prepare.
“We’ll supply entertainment!” a group of actors and actresses said, running off to practice.
“I’ll write the biography and speech!” one perked up, walking off to their merry house to get writing.
The old king smiled, and walked back to the castle.
------------------------------------------ONE MONTH LATER------------------------------------------
The funeral started off silent. All of the people respectfully sat in their chairs. The old king walked up the aisle with the priest. The priest got in front of the microphone and spoke.
“Today we are here to celebrate the life of the honorable, heroic, amazing Stikman K. Tank. He will be missed, and he will be posthumously granted the Medal of Reliability, the Medal of Heroic Duties, and most importantly, the White Star. He is the only person to have achieved the White Star in the history of Stikland. His king will now speak.”
The king stepped forward in front of the microphone. He looked around the room. The people were all looking at him, waiting for what he was going to say.
“Thank you, sir. Friends and family, I believe that I, you, or anyone in Stikland will ever reach Stikman’s level of kindness, compassion, courage, selflessness, and sense of humor ever again. He was truly one of a kind, and we should all aspire to be like him. If we can be just like him, we could all learn to be kinder and nicer to each other. Should new threats emerge, don’t worry; we’re not going to let this incident slip under our noses. We are taking the proper precautions to ensure that we can stay isolated from anyone else, and also should we be discovered and attacked, we have adequate means of defense. Thank you for letting me speak.”
The king stepped away from the microphone. He stepped back to let the priest speak.
“I will now read Stikman K. Tank’s biography. Let me begin:
‘Honorable, a good friend, and the nicest guy you could ever meet, Stikman K. Tank had it all. Even as a child, he had a big heart. He also had quite the power; when defending a friend from a bully, he accidently shoved him through a wall! This power was noted, and Stikman spent time learning in a comfortable environment at the Stikland School of the Gifted. However, when he saw one of his closest friends being tormented and picked on, his true power was revealed. From then on, he committed his whole life to fighting off bad guys and helping the community whenever he could. He first started his superhero life at the age of 20, and flew around the city helping those whoever needed it. He also spent part of the day helping the homeless and people in need using a secret identity; however, he later decided to shed this secret identity. He loved doing this; it was a dream come true. It had been 10 years since he started, and Stikman was better than ever, but then, Skeleth arrived. It was Stikman’s largest and last threat. Stikman, along with thousand-year-old battle robots known as air warriors, successfully repelled the invasion. However, this was at a massive cost: his own life. He fell to the ground in shock, and passed away. His last recorded words were: “We had a good time, didn’t we?” Stikman K. Tank will be deeply remembered and missed. Let us hope that we can keep the peace and be just like him.’ Thank you for listening to that wonderful biography. As such, it is time to celebrate Stikman’s life. Let us feast and watch some brilliant plays!”
The whole audience cheered. The food was amazing; some of the best chefs in Stikland had combined their efforts to create food like no one had ever tasted. The play: “Stikman’s Dream”, involved the whole entire series of events being a simple dream. The play and party wrapped up and Stikman was properly buried with the rest of the people, as he would have wanted. Soon enough, everyone was back to their lives, never forgetting the great sacrifice Stikman had made for them. Would there be a new hero to step up and defend Stikland? The people didn’t know, but they did know one thing; Stikman’s legacy would not be forgotten.

The End
After 3 years of waiting, the saga has come to an end. If you have read them all, then nice! Thank you for your commitment. If you have not, then please see the top of the page for links to all of the other 4 parts. Thank you for sticking with me!

Written by MasterofBasics

Latest Comments

dude this was like endgame tbh
very nice!
Thanks! It's so nice to finally be free to do other stories now :)