The Legend of Zelda: Intertwined Destinies. part 14 B

The Legend of Zelda: Intertwined Destinies. part 14 B

Zelda held the remlit gently as it purred in her arms.
"Those books failed to mention how fluffy a remlit was." she spoke while the little animal reached for her nose. "Fun as this is, I didn't come here to play with animals." she mentioned.
"Oh? then what brings you and your friend?" Lynette asked.
"Well... We're just passing through," she explained, "we went to look for jobs to earn some rupees for supplies. I was out doing just that, then I noticed the remlits and... here we are now."
"I see." Lynette nodded. "Hey, We're short a person in this kitchen I work. If you wanted, you could join me there." Linette had offered.
She lept up excited "You would offer this to me?"
"Certainly. You seem nice, and I'd like to help you"
"Though I haven't worked in a kitchen before." Zelda confessed.
"Have you ever cooked anything before?" Lynette asked.
"My father showed me once..."
"You needn't worry Tetra, I'll show you how."
"Thank you." Though they've met only a short while ago, Zelda was comforted by Lynette's presence.
"You're so generous, Thank you very much."
Zelda stood up and set down the remlit she held. It purred happily when she patted its head.

The two proceeded east untill they stopped before a large building. "This is the place, Tetra. Chef Tortė should be reasonable with newcomers." explained Lynette,
"Is he usually a reasonable person?" Zelda asked,
"On some days, but he's very pasionate."
"I'm not sure if I understand." Just after she spoke, uninteligable shouting emerged inside the building.
"That was him just now, Tetra." Lynette answered as they both enter the building.
The inside of the kitchen smelled of spices and flower, men and women were shaping dough and gutting fish. A stout man in chef's clothing came into view, and lit up seeing Lynette. "Ah! my Star student, you've arrived." he said with a heavy accent, he reached for Lynette's face and kissed her cheeks.
He notices Zelda standing nearby. "Who is zis Lynette?" he asks.
"Chef Tortė, this is Tetra. She's looking to work here with us." said Lynette. The short chef runs his scrutinizing eyes over Zelda. He walked a circle around her carefully examining her, he stopped to look her in the eyes. For a minute he said nothing and just stared at her.
"Zee has the potential," he finally spoke. "Lynette, consider her your protėgėe." and he turned to walk away and added, "Hurry hurry, ze spices call your names!"

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This feels more like LOZ then I thought! Keep it up!