The Legend of Zelda: Intertwined Destinies. part 22

The Legend of Zelda: Intertwined Destinies. part 22

There it stood before them, in the small clearing above them was a gate, within it stood an old church of Hylia. The gates opened with a low creaking sound that rose the hairs on Link's neck. Most of the outside was covered in tall grass, except for a worn path that trailed to the front doors. Link stops at the doors after Zelda spotted it.
"It's a good thing we found this before it got too dark," Zelda said relieved. "I wonder why it's so deep in the forest though?" she thought aloud, dismounting from Epona. Link steps down to investigate the church.

The sun had set when they walked to the church. "Look," Zelda pointed to the light from beyond the church's doors, "someone's inside." She was about to rush into the church, but Link stuck his hand out to stop her. Two voices from inside could be heard from where they were standing. Link gestured her to hide while he investigates the location, but Zelda protested and wanted to come with him. He only shook his head, "...Alright," she said reluctantly as did as he asked her. "Just be careful Link."
He nods in response. When he reached the doors, he examined outside the church for anyone else that might still be there. Then he peaked through the doors to listen.
Two blured figures stood in his point of view, both figures looked like men. From what Link could guess they seemed to be arguing, what about though he couldn't tell.
"Your quest for power will destroy you, Byrne." the first man said to the other.
"I would've hoped you'd understand my situation." The other man replied, he sounded years younger than the first man.
"I cannot! can't you see they are merely using you?!"
"... Perhaps my coming here was a mistake." the man Link guessed was Byrne stormed out of the church.

Link hurried to find a place to hide in, he couldn't risk being seen if this Byrne person was from Hyrule. He dives into a bush and looks through to see what this man looks like. He was a formidable height - probably almost six feet by Link's rekoning. The man had an equally respectable phisique, with rugged hair tied into a pony tail. His garb was of Hylian origin, which he could tell by the crest on his back. What worried him most was a large metalic object in his left hand. He wasn't sure exactly what the device was though.

When Byrne rode out of view, Link called Zelda over. They now formally bid entrance to the chruch He lifts the heavy knocker, and the door vibrates with a gentle booming. They are met with a young woman with blue hair.
"Oh, hello there." she spoke. "We haven't had a visitor in a while".
"Hello ma'am," Zelda greeted.
"Who's at the doors Ceris?" asked the old man from earlier. He lit up when he saw Link and Zelda. "Oh, welcome." and he bekons them inside.

The inside of the church was well cared for, which set the wild outside apart from it. Link looked to the priest who entered the church with them, and he appeared older than Link could've guessed.

"who might you- Ah, pardon my overeagerness. I am Bremeur. The patriarch of this church." he introduced himself, "You've already met with my daughter, Ceris."
"Nice to meet you two." she curtsied to both of them. Zelda giggled at Ceris's politness.
"I am Tetra. And this is my partner, Liam." She answered.
"Ah, I see." Bremeur nodded. "So what brings you to this place?" Bremeur asks.
"We're looking for someone," Zelda explained, "did you see anyone come through here?"
The old priest pondered her question carefully. "These are dark times." his face turned grim. "Since the news came of Daphnes's demise, I haven't seen a soul visit this church I'm afraid."
"Oh..." Zelda looked down saddened. Link began to recall the man from earlier: Bremeur didn't mention Byrne. It might not have been important, but why would he forget to mention him? Link felt something was wrong.

"I'm truly sorry that I'm of no help to you."
"It's alright, really." Zelda smiled weakly. "Unless it's inconvenient, do you have a room we can share for the evening?"
"I can offer a room for you two," Ceris answered.
"Thank you," Zelda nodded, "your generosity is most appreciated."
"If you may follow me." She said to them as she lead them to their room. They walk through a hall of paintings and stopped at two doors, Link's room had a bed waiting for him.

(I once again thank @Erix Summerdown for his observations for errors and suggestions.)