The Legend of Zelda: Intertwined Destinies. part 25

The Legend of Zelda: Intertwined Destinies. part 25

In the wake of Link's warning, Zelda hurried out of bed to collect her belongings. Since their departure, she slept in her clothes, prepared to escape a situation like this. This is worse than at Ordon. she thought to herself.
She knew it would be dangerous to be caught between Link and the other men, and thought it best to be outside when they arrive. She moves quickly to arm herself. She straps on her sword belt, and grabbed what little supplies she'd might need for travel. Then she started for the door. Alright, now I'll be able to-... wait... Ceris! She felt bad for forgetting Ceris in her panic. She couldn't just leave her behind.

As quiet as she could, she fought her way into Ceris's room. But the sudden movement startled the youthful girl awake. "Wha- Tetra? what are you-"
"Ceris, please listen. It's urgent," Zelda interupted her. She explained that the church was going to be attacked. Ceris listened closely after Zelda said Bremeur gave the warning.
"... If you speak the truth, what do you purpose we do now?" Ceris asks, her big blue eyes shone with worry. Zelda thought for a moment before speaking again. "We need to exit the church before they get here." Zelda answers, "But if that proves difficult, we may have to wait here."
"What if they come into this room?" Ceris pointed, "what do we do then?"
Zelda stuttered to answer. Ceris was still young, and vunerable. Zelda had Link to train her in swordplay, but Ceris didn't seem capable of weilding a sword. She wondered... She put those thoughts out of her mind, now was not a time to imagine the worst of scenarios.
"We'll fight them if we have to." Zelda responds "and I will do my best to protect you, but you may need to fight your way through."
Zelda hadn't been placed in a situation where she needed to fight before, and she was less confident than she sounded answering Ceris. She actually dreaded what's yet to come, and felt the weight of the words she had spoken.

Zelda makes her way to the door. "I'm going to check outside, wait here" She instructs her, and Ceris nods in response. She opens the door slowly to listen outside. She heard two voices echoing deeper in the church. She was too far off to hear them clearly. A loud boom vibrated from outside, and she rushes back inside.
"What is it?" Ceris asked worried.
"... They're here." Zelda answers while collecting her sword. She could only hear the two other men talking outside, their voices were as feint as a murmur.
Then there was a series of loud clanging - from what she could clearly tell was of two men sword-fighting. ahead of that, footsteps echoed toward the door.

Zelda's grip tightened around her sword as the footsteps drew closer. She could hear Ceris whimpering under her bed covers. A bead of sweat drops past her eye as she fears for the worst. But the footsteps walk past the door. He-... he's after Bremeur... a thought she dreaded when she thought about Ceris; the priest's only child. if Zelda did nothing, Ceris would lose her father just as Zelda had several days ago. She couldn't bare the thought any longer. She bursts out of the room with sword in hand. "Hey you!" she roared to the hooded figure in the hall. The man threw his hand back toward her, blinding her with a wave of fire. She jumps back into the room shutting the door.

A crumbling noise came from outside the room. Zelda tries to exit the room, but the door refuses to budge. "Darn it!" she cursed aloud.
"W-wha? is something wrong?" Ceris asks.
"It's the door." Zelda explained, "Something blocked us from the outside."

Suddenly, a loud screeching filled the halls outside, followed by a violent tremor. "Tetra!" Ceris yelps in the confusion. Both Zelda and Ceris stumbled from the quake. Zelda looks down at Ceris. "Are you hurt?" she asks Ceris, she shakes her head in response.
Zelda's nose burned from the scent of smoke - A smell she recognized from Link's blacksmith shop. The church was on fire.

Zelda held her shirt up to keep from choking. She and Ceris were pushing on on the door, trying their best to open it. Zelda looks up to Ceris, she saw that she was kneeled over. "Ceris? Are you..!" Ceris had feinted before her. Zelda tried to wake her, but she remained passed out.

Zelda's focus returned on the door, ... There has to be a way out. If there was only a window, or a different door, or... something!. She looked outside the door and saw a familiar shadow below. She thought it was Daphnes. F-father? She pounds on the door using what strength remains to break it open. Another voice answered her, this one she knew who it belonged to. She came to life when she recognized it. "Link!" she called.
"Get back!" Link yelled. She lept back as he slammed into the door with all his might.
Zelda helps Link to his feet when he made it inside the room. "Link, she needs help." she said running to Ceris. Link carries Ceris on his back. They both run outside, escaping the church.

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Nice as always!
Glad you think so. ^^