(Closed) Platinum 3dsPedia nuzlocke

  • Thread starter CJ
  • Start date

What should my Starter be?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • #41
umm... in 4th gen, character limit of a nickname is 10 characters...
Anything shorter?
  • #42
Oh haha lol didn't realize that silly me
-Lord of Me
-its a me
  • #43
this is a bit late but
Good Luck mate!:D
  • #44
if you catch a wingull or a pelipper can you name it pkmnchase? because I like dem.
  • #45
Wait can u use honey trees? And if u can, can u get pokemon from multiple trees?
If so, and u find a combee name it buzz and a piliwag KuRmit. Kr are my initials:D:D:D
  • #46
Wait can u use honey trees? And if u can, can u get pokemon from multiple trees?
If so, and u find a combee name it buzz and a piliwag KuRmit. Kr are my initials:D:D:D
Oh wait even better name the poliwag, poliswag
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Reactions: Storm_Chaser
  • #47
View attachment 4652

Hey everyone :D

So not long ago, I found my DS Lite. I was so excited I restarted ACWW on it and started making blog posts on it. Yesterday night, I found Pokemon Platinum on my DS. I thought, Why not start a nuzlocke on this site? Everyone's doing it.

I was planning to make a competitive team, but now I am going to start making it sometime in May or June, when I get Omega Ruby. So, this was the perfect time to start my Platinum Nuzlocke. Credits goes to @FirstSerpent for starting the "Nuzlocke Fever " :p and to all other people like @Billy, @paceygym, @DeathDragon etc. who also made nuzlockes.

So, without further ado, lets get started :D

Please vote for the starter you want me to keep in the poll. The first starter to get 5 votes will be taken.

Nicknames- Please give suggestions for nicknames of starter and common pokemon that I am most likely to find. If good, they will be added :)

Some basic rules-
1. If a pokemon faints, it will be considered dead, and must be released ASAP or must be kept permanently in a PC box.
2.I can catch only the first pokemon encountered in each area and none else.
3. Black out or white out will be considered a "Game Over"
4. Quite obvious, but soft resetting is NOT ALLOWED
5. All pokemon MUST be nicknamed by 3DS Pedia members ONLY.
6. Duplicate clause- If th pokemon encountered in a route is already caught by you, you can't catch it. You will be given 3 chances to find a new pokemon. If you don't find a new one in these 3 chances, you will not be allowed to catch any pokemon in that area.

Some more rules (not added yet)-
1. Ban the use of all items like potions and repels [No. of votes = 1]
2. TMs are not allowed. [No. of votes = 0]
3. If a pokemon is learning a new move, it is necessary to teach it. The move to be forgotten is the player's choice. [No. of votes = 0]

A rule with 7 votes will be added. To vote, just reply here, saying that you are voting for xxx rule.
Feel free to vote for multiple rules and If you want a rule to be added, let me know and if good will be added.

View attachment 4653
(My name will be Shrey in this Nuzlocke)
I say name chimchar Gon
  • #48
I got a few

Bidoof - Buck
Starly- Skyler
Shinx- Sparks
Budew- Rosebud
Abra- Kamek
Geodude- Rocky