Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #1,161
Granted. But it can't move
I wish spinny was a girl
  • #1,162
granted but everyone but me switches genders

i wish for no undertale spoilers
  • #1,163
granted, but suddenly blazingken walks in
That entire ending was ridiculous in the best possible ways. The fight was incredibly anime, with over-the-top lighting effects, attack names being called out, and the Power of Friendship saving the day. It left me very hyped up, and then very sad as you learned about and talked to Asriel. Being unable to truly save him and the core message that you can’t save everyone 100% and that you have to know when to let go, it’s left me with a very deep sadness that I’m still carrying even a week later. I really do wish you could save him, he deserves better.
Haw haw

I wish for moms spegetti
  • #1,164
granted but i ate it

i wish for $9999999999999999999999999999999999999999.99 USD
  • #1,165
granted but i ate it

i wish for $9999999999999999999999999999999999999999.99 USD
First off I hope you enjoyed my mothers wonderful spaghetti, made with love, that you stole from me you sick crab you crabby crab you. I take your cash, spend all the money on EA stock, lose it all, and stare at you with a small smile on my face, and I say one word. Garbage. I wish to live to the age of 324.
  • #1,166
Granted. But you take that time you wish from everyone you hold dear

I wish my brother is more skinny
  • #1,167
Granted, but he slaps you for making him more skinny. It was a hard slap.
I wish I can sleep already
  • #1,168
Granted. You never wake up again, though.

I wish to be a superman
  • #1,169
Granted you now are Super-stinkyfarts-man and you can't time your farts :D

I wish i knew what to study
  • #1,170
Granted, but you won't be given an opportunity to study it (this is one of the worst curses I can think of).

I wish I lived in the White House.
  • #1,171
Granted, but its so white it blind you

I wish I can use magic
  • #1,172
Granted but you can't control it. At all.

I wish I was 3 years old again
  • #1,173
Granted, but you lose everyone you love
I wish for Rocky 5 to not be trash
  • #1,174
Granted now the original is trash. :D

I wish I was a kitsune (running out of ideas here)
  • #1,175
How dare you insult the origanol rocky!?
Granted but you are now as smart as a rat
I wish for an NX
  • #1,176
Granted, but a major bug happened, causing you to be sucked into whatever game you put in, and if you die in there, you never respawn. ;)

I wish me Mario kart 7 luck would just burst out at me.
  • #1,177
Granted. But you'll be suck at every other games

I wish for a wish ideas
  • #1,178
Granted, but they're taken.
I wish to be smart
  • #1,179
Granted, but you learn some stuff you REALLY wish you hadn't
I wish for the fun and games emblem!
  • #1,180
Granted. But you get the !FUN! instead, if you know what I'm talking about

I wish i have a PC