Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #1,201
From nothing to wells, I'm not even mad.

Granted, but your taste buds don't work anymore.
  • #1,202
From nothing to wells, I'm not even mad.

Granted, but your taste buds don't work anymore.
you should make a wish
  • #1,203
you should make a wish

Oops... I wish I found a great job in the next days
  • #1,204
Granted but the next fews days are always a bit ahead of you so it never really happens

I wish everyone understood everyone. Instantly.
  • #1,205
You mean like at this right moment everybody knew what was in the mind of everybody else?

If that's the case, granted, but that causes everybody's minds to fuse into one hive mind that consumes them all and everybody loses their individuality.

Or, you meant that everybody is able to communicate perfectly with everybody?

If that's it, granted, but everybody turns into compulsive liars.

I wish I Age of Empires 2 was ported to the 3DS.
  • #1,206
I meant the second. Well, still better than nothing.

Anyway, granted but everything except from the titlescreen is a DLC and they're all VERY expensive.

I wish I was a dragon
  • #1,207
Granted, you are a komodo dragon.

I wish the ending of how I met your mother didn't suck.
  • #1,208
Granted, but when you tried to watch it, your TV blew up :p

I wish I had superpowers :playful:
  • #1,209
Granted. Now you can levitate 1 millimeters above ground.

I wish for all the DLC of every games to be free
  • #1,210
Now games are free-to-start (must pay after so long)
I wish for a profile photo as cool as @Miles "Tails" Prower™
  • #1,211
Granted, but when you tried to watch it, your TV blew up :p

I wish I had superpowers :playful:

jokes on you, I watched it on a PC.

Now games are free-to-start (must pay after so long)
I wish for a profile photo as cool as @Miles "Tails" Prower™

Cool is a bit subjective. However, here it's a profile photo exactly as cool as the one of that user:
, but if you use it people won't like you because you'll have copied his.
  • #1,212
You should make a wish
  • #1,213
I wish I didn't forget to end my comments on this thread with a wish >_>
  • #1,214
Granted but you forget everything else

I wish i can teleport
  • #1,215
Granted, but each time you teleport there's a 1/100 chance you get teleported to a certain death instead the place you wanted to go.

I wish I could control time.
  • #1,216
Granted, but each time you teleport there's a 1/100 chance you get teleported to a certain death instead the place you wanted to go.

I wish I could control time.
Granted, but you accidently make it far back in past and you get attacked by a dinosaur :p

I wish I could fly!
  • #1,217
Granted but you can only fly for 1 second per day

I wish i could be the first man on Pluto
  • #1,218
Granted but you died a second after

I wish I can color my drawing well
  • #1,219
Granted but you died a second after

I wish I can color my drawing well
Granted, but then you lose the ability to draw.

I wish SSB4 Had more DLC.
  • #1,220
Granted but they are way overpowered and cost more than you'll ever be able to afford

I wish for a monocle :pompus: