Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #161
Granted and you can't eat them.

I wish for Rosalina to have two Lumas in Smash 3DS/Wii U
  • #162
i wish for mother 4 offical by nintendo
  • #163
Granted,but you aren´t able to play it

I wish I could do Death Metal vocals
  • #164
Granted but now that's the only sound you can make XD (Imagine asking someone...well pretty much anything)

I wish my keyboard was repaired
  • #165
Granted,but you can´t write with it

I wish I would always answer or ask people in Death Metal vocals
  • #166
Granted, but they'll keep telling you to shut up.

... I wish I had a life.
  • #167
Granted, but it includes giving up your 3DS...

I wish I knew what I wished for.
  • #168
Granted you wished for eternal painful hugs from Wayne.

I wish cars could run on water as a source of energy.
  • #169
Granted you wished for eternal painful hugs from Wayne.

I wish cars could run on water as a source of energy.
Wish granted but you have crash 99 cars and go to the hospital 99 times.
  • #170
  • #171
Granted, but it would involve 10 lbs of butter, illegal fireworks, 2 Jack Daniels, a pack of wolves, Nicki Minaj, a sandwich, and a Nintendo Wii U.

I wish I knew what that would lead to.
  • #172
Granted,but you will die one second after you knew it

I wish I would have a sandwich
  • #173
Granted but there is a live octopus on it and it's angry. Really angry.

I wish I had infinite money
  • #174
Granted but it's all Monopoly Money

I wish everyone on the forum were on here at the same time so we can get events over with.
  • #175
Granted but no one is posting anything, everyone is just lurking

I wish I could type faster
  • #176
Granted,but you can´t type anything intelligent

I wish my Sandwich could talk
  • #177
Grntade (Oh gohs wtha have yuo dnoe? I cat'n type ynamoar!) but it kpees insluting yuo.

I wihs fro cohcolate
  • #178
Granted, but it's poisonous chocolate.

I wish I could get all the games I want for free.
  • #179
Granted,but you aren´t able to play them

I wish I had this------> :vamp: as real life pet
  • #180
Granted but it will eat you. Slowly.

I wish I would have internet and power wherever I go