Corrupt A wish!

  • Thread starter Starmanfan
  • Start date
  • #201
  • #202
i wish i have unlimited money
  • #203
granted but Thanks to you, money is now worthless and society crumbles.

I wish for wario to smell like roses.
  • #204
Granted, but everything else smells like crap.

I wish I had time to evenly play all my games.
  • #205
granted but you have NO time at all to use any of them, so you spend equal time with them

I wish for a fish
  • #206
Granted and it eats you. With tiny nibbles.

I wish I wasn't a human
  • #207
granted now ur a zombie
  • #208
You should wish something.
  • #209
Meh I wish I had more time to play on my 3DS ;-;
  • #210
Granted but now your 3DS is broken

I wish I had a bright smile
  • #211
granted but you feel sad and dont wanna smile at all

i wish i make the pedian happy...
  • #212
Granted but it's a random Wikipedian

I wish there would be some sort of hole in time-space that would allow all 3dsPedians to be online at the same time without staying up on weird hours.
  • #213
Granted but then it causes a collapse in the time-space continuum, leading to things like dinosaurs existing again and throwing the balance of the ecosystems completely out of whack; Hitler teaming up with Napoleon, Al Capone, Alexander the Great and a future equivalent to bring about the end of the world; and, worst of all, Justin Bieber having existed since the beginning of music, causing all of music as we know it to be derived from his songs. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!! :mad:

............I wish I still had a shred of sanity left.... :bag:
  • #214
Granted but it's boring and you're boredom will enhance your madness so that in the end you're sanity drives you insane. That one lingering bit of sanity will prevent you from happily descent into madness and instead will leave you to wonder whether you are truly crazy.

I wish I had time to read the books:rolleyes:
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  • #215
granted but all the books are gone

i wish i can draw better than now
  • #216
Granted but now everyone is a genius at drawing and you're only a little bit better

I wish I had magical powers
  • #217
granted but all you can do is make smokr out of you hand

i wish i can fly
  • #218
Granted, but you fly so high a plane hits you.
I wish that all the Eshop scams would work correctly.
  • #219
Granted but now all the games price in eshop raise for 100%

I wish im get stronger in SSB
  • #220
Granted but everyone does

I wish I could as much chocolate as I wnt to