Do you prefer multiplayer or single player games?

  • Thread starter CrazyElf
  • Start date

Multiplayer or Single player?

  • Multiplayer!

    Votes: 19 31.1%
  • Single player!

    Votes: 12 19.7%
  • I can go either way.

    Votes: 30 49.2%

  • Total voters
  • #21
More of a single player, though I can live with both.
I love multiplayer games that pit players against each other. I suck at co-op games because I don't work well with teams. The only co-op game that I really enjoyed was Left 4 Dead - that is when we play as zombies. hahaha :))
  • #22
I think it really depends on the qualities and fun factor in the mechanics of a game that determine my preference.

I like single player games like: Super Mario 3D land, Tomodachi and Fire Emblem

But I also like Multiplayer: Pokemon X and Y, Kid Icarus:Uprising and Mario Kart 8

I'm more familiar with Single Player games.
  • #23
It depends on the game for me, though some single-player games (really just Fire Emblem: Awakening but I love it as it is too) I really want to be multi-player in a greater form, like allowing you to versus your (online) friends with your own units on various maps. It'd be pretty cool.

Anyway, games like Mario Kart 7 and Pokémon X are games that I couldn't really play for long in single-player.

Other games like Kid Icarus: Uprising, Mario Golf: World Tour and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon are fun enough either way for me, though after long enough I may lean towards multi-player.

And games like The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and Fire Emblem: Awakening sufficiently entertain me without any large uses of multi-player so I like them like that but you know how I eel about the latter.
  • #24
I play a mix of both. I don't really have a preference either way because in the end, the gameplay is still the same. I would rather play with another player than some AI, but it doesn't really matter. Some games are really good because of their multiplayer and others are known for being great single player experiences. Both types are fun and bring something different to the table.
  • #25
I prefer single player games for pretty much all of the reasons everyone else listed. I don't dislike multiplayer, when I can find a decent, friendly group to play with, but I don't get as deeply invested in a multiplayer experience as I can in a good single player game. The only 3ds games I've really played multiplayer is Pokemon.
  • #26
Hmmm..... Definitely multiplayer. I feel like every time I play with others,, something new can happen.
  • #27
I prefer multiplayer, i wish every game had some multiplayer option, but i don't mind singleplayer.
  • #28
I prefer multiplayer because u get to play with your friends and have fun rather than playing against a program that controls the game,multiplayer is just fun
  • #29
ultimately it depends. i often like playing mmos by myself but i like playing players with people
  • #30
I prefer multiplayer games, over single player! Online-multiplayer works perfect for me, I love playing: co-op/battle mode with strangers around the world. I'm a MOBA fan, so I enjoy games like Dota2, Smite, League of Legends, it can be very frustrating sometimes, but overall it's fun! I have three-brothers so Local-multiplayer is pretty fun as well, though sometimes the're busy, that's why I rather Online-multiplayer.

I do love my JRPG, single player franchises like Fire Emblem, Final Fanatasy, Breath of Fire, Dragon Quest but when you wanna have just all-out fun, online-multiplayer is the way to go.
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Reactions: CrazyElf
  • #31
I prefer multiplayer games, over single player! Online-multiplayer works perfect for me, I love playing: co-op/battle mode with strangers around the world. I'm a MOBA fan, so I enjoy games like Dota2, Smite, League of Legends, it can be very frustrating sometimes, but overall it's fun! I have three-brothers so Local-multiplayer is pretty fun as well, though sometimes the're busy, that's why I rather Online-multiplayer.

I do love my JRPG, single player franchises like Fire Emblem, Final Fanatasy, Breath of Fire, Dragon Quest but when you wanna have just all-out fun, online-multiplayer is the way to go.
You play League of Legends? :jawdrop: I used to play :O
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  • #32
I don't mind playing either player modes but I would prefer multiplayer more cause I would feel extremely lonely playing games by myself. :(
  • #33
I like single player games a lot more, as they tend to focus a lot more on story than anything else. I don't mind multiplayer if it's local, but online I'm not a fan of unless it's really well made since it's not the same as having a person right next to you playing.
  • #34
Multiplayer games and player games all like, but i play more of a single game. Do you have play 3ds games for dsgameruk?
  • #35
I prefer mostly multiplayer games because that makes me able to play with my friends and I love playing any game with my friends.. But still single player games are good too
  • #36
in my opinion a single player game that allows you to interact with others online are quite good like pokemon, you play and journey in to the kalos region whist being able to battle others online and trade , its a good combination ^^
  • #37
If I had to choose,I'd definitely pick multiplayer. :D Don't get me wrong,single's great,but I enjoy the game better playing with others.I just wish more games had story modes that you can play through with other people,and also,lol,if Attack on Titan was released here with an online multiplayer function. ^^
  • #38
My opinion on this matter changes depending on my opinion of the game.

Take Pokemon X/Y for example, this is a type of game that naturally is meant for multiplayer.

Bioshock 2 is an example of a not-so-good game. Its story is ok, but the overall view and rating of the game got destroyed because everyone hated multiplayer.
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  • #39
So in other words,you're saying some games are meant specifically for single player,while others are more for group play.That's true,for some games,multiplayer just destroys the quality of it. :/ Well put. :D
  • #40
I don't mind Both to be honest. I love playing Single Player games but there are some times that i just want to play with friends online. It's even better when a Game supports both such Pokemon, Super Smash, Mario Kart and other third party games that have that feature.