Do you prefer multiplayer or single player games?

  • Thread starter CrazyElf
  • Start date

Multiplayer or Single player?

  • Multiplayer!

    Votes: 19 31.1%
  • Single player!

    Votes: 12 19.7%
  • I can go either way.

    Votes: 30 49.2%

  • Total voters
  • #61
I like both but I guess though it all depends on who I play with. Like I can't play multiplayer games with my siblings because they become very angry if they aren't the winner and then they go get the strongest characters or the fastest kart and will do everything in their power to win. Which makes me not like playing with them. I haven't an issue with losing but seeing the scary rage quits my siblings have I rather play single player games.
  • #62
I have always personally preferred multiplayer games to be honest. I think multiplayer games have a lot more replay value to them. Single player games..well it depends what it is, but you can't go wrong with single player from time to time.
  • #63
I love Multiplayer games much more, it's so much more fun playing with friends and with random people, you can actually communicate and shout at them. Games like Smash Bros only have the replayaility that they have because of the amazing multiplayer.
  • #64
So most 3DS games are single player, but I am a multiplayer fan, since you can experience the game with other players, but some people just want to have fun, and they like single player games. I want your opinions right here. Do you prefer multiplayer games or single player games?
I prefer both multiplayer and single player games, even though single player games are fun, if i have a friend that wants to play a multiplayer game,i join in with that game like smash,monster hunter,etc.
  • #65
It really just depends on what mood i am in at the moment. A lot of the time I prefer playing multiplayer games with my siblings. Online games are fun, but lately my internet is getting worse and worse, and now I can barely even connect to online servers half of the time. :banghead:
Mostly, though, I prefer Single Player games such as Pokemon X/Y/ORAS in which have the option to play online with friends, and it isn't really that laggy, either.
  • #66
I probably have more fun with Multiplayer games since there's other people playing the game as well in real-time. From co-op to versus, it's interesting to see others' approach as they go about the game, especially if it's your friends. Multiplayer, I believe, is more engaging and interactive to the gamer and encourages you to do better than other players.
  • #67
Really the only singleplayer games I play are Zelda and sometimes mario games. Zelda games are too good. Everything else I play multiplayer. Multiplayer games can just be so funny and goofy online or with your friends. It is an amazing time.
  • #68
I prefer multiplayer, but single player games are good.

And multiplayer isn't just "get friends", no no, what if they start to argue? Some of my friends go as far as to FIGHT about the game, and brag when they win. Then I turn off the game, telling them to stop. That usually never works...
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  • #69
I choose single player games. When I play multiplayer games they mess up too much and it takes longer to complete the levels. I just want to get through the level already. There is more single player games that come out more than multiplayer games. Playing multiplayer games make me rage so much when I am playing with them.
  • #70
I'm more of a single player type of gal. It's only because I never get the time to play with my friends, since every time we get together we just talk and play broad games. IT also helped that as I grew up my family would stop playing with me and I had to start to play by myself.
  • #71
I prefer multiplayer games than single player games. I always look at every new game that I get, to see if there is multiplayer to play with people. I love playing with friends and helping each other out in the games. Also in multiplayer games, you finish games much faster than playing in single player. I just wish that more games would support multiplayer. Today it seems like they are only supporting single player games.