Game Cube vs DS?

  • Thread starter milksheikh
  • Start date
  • #21
This is a tough one for me, while I love portable gaming more than console gaming, the Gamcube had amazing games (though the DS had excellent games as well), so I'm honestly torn, not that you can really compare these anyway. Not only are they two completely different systems, they're also from different generations.
  • #22
Game Cube. Graphics were slightly better on this system, plus it's more nostalgic, which deserves more points. Game Cube had backward compatibility with Gameboy games. A home console that has BC with a portable console is indeed the best home console lol. (Knowing this was before Wii Shop Channel and eShop)
  • #23
Although they are different gaming devices. I stick with what i have, the ds. I like the games in the ds like final fantasy iii & iv, final fantasy tactics a2 and many more rpg and tbs games. I just hope that the 3ds will have a huge game library in the cming years.
  • #24
Actually I don't even know what gamecube is,at first I thought it was a emulator on the pc but hey I don't know.So I know how a ds stays so the ds is better it has two screens and one of them is a touch screen plus it has some great games and can take pictures and more.
  • #25
You are right, both consoles had a great cast of games. I think I have to say that the GameCube is the superior console, though. First, while both consoles are nostalgic for me, the GameCube was the one I had most memories with. Games like Mario Kart: Double Dash, Mega Man Anniversary Collection, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and other games really made an impact on me. Both systems are awesome, but the GameCube is by far better than the DS.
  • #26
Tuff question. while I like the Ds game Library, the Gamecube had an also decent Library, and had more better games for multiplayer; Mario Party/Mario Kart Double Dash/Kirby Air Ride

Hell, even the Gamecube had good Pokemon games like colosseum, and XD so I can't even pick the DS just because of Pokemon. Guess I'll go with Gamecube because of SA2B & Sonic Heroes.
  • #27
in terms of portableness pick the ds it is like the n64 just a little worse in graphics than the gamcube.(okay maybe a little more) but i mean if you can't afford a ds go for the gamecube i mean its like 30$ plus better graphics and has ssbm so fun i mean when iwas like a little kid this was the game i would always play at my church. Oh i wish there was super smash bros ds!!!!( a legit one made by nintendo)
  • #28
This is a really weird topic, why not compare the DS and Wii as they have a bit more in common (both systems as part of the generation released post the 'Nintendo is for kids' debacle, both including an innovative new control dismissed as a gimmick....)

I would personally choose the DS over the Gamecube because of the innovation. I loved to see how people went from "the redundant second screen" to being wowed by how Devs were implementing it. Similar to the gamecube, there were a lot of ideas that never became apparent (the GBA/GC compatability was sketchy at best and of the few games it existed for only Four Swords Adventures really used it to its fullest, likewise the GBA-DS "unlock secrets with the right GBA cart" thing never worked really... also remember when the DS came out and it was going to be able to be used as a WiiMote?)
  • #29
Gamecube, the controller lays better in the hand then the ds, and you play it on a bigger screen with better graphics.
  • #30
I don't have a Game Cube so I cannot really say which is better. I love portable gaming more, so I even if I have a game cube I must say I love DS more. I'm not comfortable with joy sticks either, I nearly never play my brother's Play Station lol
  • #31
Gamecube hands down for me. I beat my first ever game on it (sonic heroes) and beat my first ever Pokemon game on it (Colosseum) and I love the SA2B Chao Garden. The ds was good don't get me wrong. Both could play gameboy advance games. But the GameCube could also play GBC and GB games. It also had Melee witch is awesome.
So I choose GameCube probably because it was my first system.
  • #32
Definitely GameCube on of the best consoles. :)
The only way you would buy DS over Gamecube is if you always went somewhere.
Or if you just prefer Ds over game cube which is bad idea imo.
  • #33
I choose Gamecube because of my fav games Mario Party 5 and 6, Luigis Mansion, and Super Smash Bros. Melee.
  • #34
I would have to say Nintendo DS. I have had a DS lite for the longest time, then I got a ids. I never had GameCube but one of my friends did, but it did have one of my favorite games ever on it: The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker.
  • #35
I never really owned a Nintendo Gamecube so I'll go for the Nintendo DS since it was a large part of my childhood . It was a great portable system that i really liked and there were many games that you can get on it . Some of my favorite series games were on it too .

But I think that the game cube is better in terms of games though >.>
  • #36
The Nintendo DS is my favorite console of the two,because frankly,I have never owned a GameCube,having only played a bit of Super Mario Sunshine on my aunt's mother's house,even if I tried to scatter it around like crazy localy to play games like Mario Kart Double Dash!!,Sonic Adventure DX/2 Battle and Super Smash Bros. Melee. :coffee:
There is great ammount of amazing games for the DS,and there's pretty much a game for everyone here.Do you like platformers?Have some old 2D side-scrolling action with New Super Mario Bros. and Sonic Rush 1/Adventure.More into the RPG zone?You're most certainly going to have a blast with the main Pokemon games,The World Ends with You,some of the Final Fantasy games,plus some others.Is mystery novels your type of thing?You will have no objects to point up with the Ace Attorney series and Hotel Dusk.Do you like to just sit back and relax with puzzling matters,alongside epic storylines?Then The Legend of Zelda:phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks and the Professor Layton games are made for you.You also have other games to play,but I would probaly go all day with this,so it's better for me to stop now. :p
I'm not trying to make the GameCube look inferior,because it's far away from being your average console.It's just that I haven gotten as many time with than most people out there. :writing:
  • #37
I torn between the two. I loved the GameCube was fun because of the fact it first gave us Animal Crossing and it was the one system where I was introduced into the Harvest Moon series.

The DS has all my favorite series too but it is my favorite because I can take it and play on the go. Not to mention its evolution over time is amazing.
  • #38
Gamecube is the winner when playing on my own home but the DS wins on portable since i can take it anywhere while i'm taking a break.

Gamecube Best Point: Powerfull than DS and it quality is good
DS Best Point: Best on Portable Not bad quality
Gamecube Bad Point: Finding a friend to invite
DS Bad Point: Can break easily if there's somthing super heavy
  • #39
hello me new speak french and speak english the nintendo ds and gamecube console favorite
  • #40
What do you think was better?

If I have to be honest, I liked the Game Cube more than the DS (Probably only me).
DS. Only because it was my childhood. Although I did play Luigi's Mansion and Dragons Lair on the gamecube...I still prefer the DS.