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  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date
  • #981
Fine, do you want me to post the conversation?
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  1. BlazingPhoenixIf I don't smile, then who will?Towns Folk
    Some kid named "pokenu" just joined and is trying to get bayonetta. he has 822 PC. Can you look up his transaction history?
    BlazingPhoenix, Feb 9, 2016Report

  2. SunnyWindyReverianKidney Harvester
    Only Admins can look up transaction history, I added Marc in the convo!
    SunnyWindy, Feb 9, 2016Report

  3. SunnyWindyReverianKidney Harvester
    I also sent him a private message to simply ask him, no need to scare a new member :)
    SunnyWindy, Feb 9, 2016Report

  4. BlazingPhoenixIf I don't smile, then who will?Towns Folk
    so, you figured it out?
    BlazingPhoenix, Feb 9, 2016Report

  5. SunnyWindyReverianKidney Harvester
    Yup, pretty much, so far it seems legit, nothing to worry about :)
    SunnyWindy, Feb 9, 2016Report

  6. BlazingPhoenixIf I don't smile, then who will?Towns Folk
    Ok, thanks, just wanted to make sure no "action replays" were used. Thanks Sunny!
    BlazingPhoenix, Feb 9, 2016Report

  7. MarcOne does not simply type. One is a number.Forum Management
    Marc, Feb 9, 2016Report

  8. SunnyWindyReverianKidney Harvester
    SunnyWindy, Feb 9, 2016Report

  9. BlazingPhoenixIf I don't smile, then who will?Towns Folk
    BlazingPhoenix, Feb 9, 2016Report

  10. BlazingPhoenixIf I don't smile, then who will?Towns Folk
    BlazingPhoenix, Feb 9, 2016Report

  11. BlazingPhoenixIf I don't smile, then who will?Towns Folk
    BlazingPhoenix, Feb 9, 2016Report

Really I am disappointed no one belived me, also the account @Pokenu was deleted
  • #982
  • #983
  • #984
Oh my god I am so sorry! I thought, oh my god please forgive me man, there is nothing worse than being falsely accused of something like this I am so sorry, hopefully you can forgive me.
  • #985
N comes here, says "Poyo", and leaves
  • Like
Reactions: 18
  • #986
I should'a came here earlier to eat popcorn. There's always next time. xD
  • Like
Reactions: Evelyn, 3823, Mikaya and 1 other person
  • #987
I should'a came here earlier to eat popcorn. There's always next time. xD

Hopefully there won't be a next time. xP
  • Like
Reactions: 423, 3823 and 2205
  • #988
Please hahahaha!
  • Like
Reactions: Mikaya
  • #989
*puts head in hands, sobs because is most disliked member*
  • Like
Reactions: 423, Slayerpon Tatsu, Bobcam7! and 3 others
  • #990
  • Like
Reactions: 3905, Slayerpon Tatsu, Bobcam7! and 2 others
  • #991
My first piece of evidence XD
and ouch i hate how 2 people liked that in 5 minutes (my post)

My first piece of evidence XD
and ouch i hate how 2 people liked that in 5 minutes (my post)
  • Like
Reactions: Mikaya
  • #992
Don't feel bad. We all make mistakes. (•_•)
  • #993
god i am the worst user...
anyone got any ideas how people can like me here?
  • #994
god i am the worst user...
anyone got any ideas how people can like me here?
Yeah. Get over yourself! We all make mistakes but no need to get down about them.
  • #995
I almost got in a fist fight today. Good times :p
  • #996
I almost got in a fist fight today. Good times :p
explain, i got my popcorn
  • #997
explain, i got my popcorn
I'll say one thing: Don't call me stupid and then have all F's
  • Like
Reactions: BlazingPhoenix
  • #998
god i am the worst user...
anyone got any ideas how people can like me here?
Be yourself and don't try so hard!
  • Like
Reactions: Mikaya and BlazingPhoenix
  • #999
I'll say one thing: Don't call me stupid and then have all F's
i present this oscar to you

Oh i need to win an oscar!
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  • #1,000
i present this oscar to you
If you couldn't tell, I'm not acting and I don't find this very funny