Handheld or Console?

  • Thread starter Joey
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  • #41
Console as they are mire powerful(usually) and because if a game comes out for both its better on console
  • #42
The Wii and Wii U are fun, of course, but I like sitting around with my friends in school and playing on our 3DSs. It makes gaming with each other feel more lively :p
  • #43
I have never had a handheld system since this year. This is the first time i have one, and I was so happy to have it, but you know nintendo is offering such great games on both console and handheld systems that I finally decided to purchase the console too.
  • #44
I prefer handhelds,mostly the Nintendo 3ds systems.They have good games and good graphics and since I'm into most games that are on 3ds like pokemon,the 3ds suits me and is a good handheld system.The consoles are good and don't get me wrong and have good graphics but I like playing anywhere.Consoles are made to play at one place and have fun.Both of them are good though when having fun.
  • #45
Both. lol
  • #46
Nintendo has always been about handhelds to me. My first Nintendo was a gameboy advanced SP, then I got a DS lite, the a DSi, and finally a 3ds. The only Nintendo console I got was a Wii, which was great, but I enjoy the handhelds more.
  • #47
I will forever like Handhelds because they are very awesome and I like the fact of being able to be portable so that I can carry it wherever and whenever I want :p and the experience is nevertheless as awesome as a console , but both experiences are really good , thought I prefer handheld more
  • #48
I will forever like Handhelds because they are very awesome and I like the fact of being able to be portable so that I can carry it wherever and whenever I want :p and the experience is nevertheless as awesome as a console , but both experiences are really good , thought I prefer handheld more
Not that I don't agree with the statement (I like handhelds better too and I said why), but the only argument you gave was "so that I can carry it wherever and whenever I want" to "I like the fact of being able to be portable" but you gave no argument to "awesome" even though you said it twice ("they are very awesome" and "the experience is nevertheless as awesome as a console"), and I think it's more interesting to give arguments in posts, otherwise we would just make a poll.

(Note that this doesn't only apply to you, I just happen to read a lot of non-argumented posts and wanted to know better about people's opinion).
  • #49
I prefer consoles more because they have more capabilities compared to handhelds, in terms of graphics, content, features, and quality. Handhelds are fun too but if you ask me consoles are the way to go, you can come home tired after a long day of whatever and just pop whatever game you want to play into the console and start enjoying, while your handheld can be taken with you to enjoy. It boils down to how you prefer to play, either on the go or sitting still.
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  • #50
Okay I'm torn, I like the big consoles because the game experiences are great and the graphics and story lines are amazing. Not to mention that the applications are a lot easier to use and see.

But I love the freedom of being able to play wherever I want and not to mention I love the games on the 3DS.
  • #51
I think both have their ups and downs, tbh. I like consoles because you can sit back and relax while playing them, and they're also good when you have friends around to play games with you as well. Handhelds, on the other hand, can be taken anywhere with you. I think if I had to pick one or the other, I'd go with handhelds since they're more portable and you can meet your friends anywhere to play a game whereas with a console, you and your friends have to go to someone's house to play a game.
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  • #52
I am currently leaning towards liking handhelds better. Mostly because it takes less to maintain them vs. consoles. (My PS3 pretty much needs to be opened up every several months to get dust out of it. And its not fun doing that.)

But they indeed both have their pros and cons.
  • #53
I like both equally,but if I were to choose one side only,then it would be handhelds.Handhelds can be played at home or literaly everywhere(when you're not on places like school,that is),and should also give you a fun time with awesome games while you're waiting at places like the hospital line and long road trips.Consoles,although more powerful,can only be played at homes connected to televisions,and really,if you're tying to bring them alongside you like handhels,it won't be with as much ease as handhelds.
Most of my favorite games are also present on handhelds,so that's also a comparative plus for me. :D
  • #54
I like both, consoles are more powerful than handhelds, cause of its size. But handhelds are portable, and you don't have to bring a wii everywhere or something. Also lots of great RPGs are on handhelds, nintendo seems to favor RPGs on handhelds other than consoles. Like the zelda series and the pokemon games. You can play consoles with only one device, on the other side, handhelds requires friends to have the same device.
  • #55
I prefer consoles. Consoles have much better graphics than the handhelds. It seems that there is less work in handheld version of games than the console version. With console versions you can get the full experience of the game. Consoles also load faster than handhelds too. I really wish that handhelds would be just like the consoles.
  • #56
I tendo to prefer Nintendo's home consoles to their handheld consoles, but with the advent of the Switch, I no longer have to pick a favorite. The graphics of a home console are finally available on a portable scale, which really fixes all of the issues that caused me to favor the consoles in the first place.
  • #57
Nintendo seem to do better with handheld, based on my experiences, and I guess I prefer handheld as well - even though console would objectively work better for me. Maybe it's because of nostalgia.

Then we have the Switch, which is a mix of both. I prefer to play handheld when possible but Joy-Con drift keeps me from being able to properly play most games this way.