Health conditions

  • Thread starter Mikaya
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  • #21
I wear glasses, have a few seasonal allergies in addition to dust/cat/rodents, and a vitamin D deficiency. Nothing major.
Pssst.... and the character in your avatar always has a cold and is cursed with bad luck... :sneaky: Don't forget to mention that. :p
  • #22
Pssst.... and the character in your avatar always has a cold and is cursed with bad luck... :sneaky: Don't forget to mention that. :p
Lol, yeah that to. :p
  • #23
I'm short sighted and have glasses, allergic to peanuts and pollen.
  • #24
Aside being allergic to a special medicine (Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid, also known as "Augmentin"), I am healthy.
  • #25
Aside being allergic to a special medicine (Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid, also known as "Augmentin"), I am healthy.
That's what they force me to take when I'm sick :panda:

There's nothing particularly wrong with me, except I pretty much start retching when I smell the beef kebabs of a certain restaurant here. No idea why. :panda:

Oh, and insanity.
  • #26
I'm short sighted too, probably because I play too many 3DS and PC games. Other than that, I'm pretty healthy but it's pretty rare to go on for years without getting some significant health problem.
  • #27
I have a few health conditions I know of.
  • Allergic Reaction: I'm allergic to something. There is actually no confirmation of what I'm allergic to. This happened to me earlier back before, but around 3 years ago, the reaction started getting really serious. I started getting hives (big itchy bumps on my skin), itchiness, sneezing, bad breathing, etc. Man, was I depressed. Although, my family brought comfort to me <3
  • Dyslexia: I'm not fully Dyslexic, just a little. Whenever I focus on words, they start floating everywhere. I can snap out of it, eventually.
  • Short Sighted: My family has football shaped eyes (laugh it up), and I inherited them. I can see more wide, but not a far, because they are stretched. This isn't a problem for me now, since I'm wearing glasses.
There are a few more minor health conditions I have such as allergies, sickness, etc. The ones I listed in bold are my major health conditions.

I may one day inherit the known Diabetes disease, because it runs in my mom's side of her family.

Also, I'm crazy :woot:.
  • #28
Im pretty good just that my Dad's side of the family has diabetes.
So I might get that and I wear glasses.
Also I'm not Allergic to anything.(Im awesome lik dat)
  • #29
Nope, not any that I know of. Though, maybe my lungs/liver gets messed up because of all of the Drinking I do.
I'm not allergic to anything either, and I wear glasses too. I forgot my vision, but it's really bad.
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  • #30
I wear glasses because I have Astigmatism and I have Asthma and I have occasional seizures ..
  • #31
I have a gluten sensitivity. I say sensitivity because some glutenous foods I can eat (granola bars, cookies, wraps) but other foods I can't (bread, pasta) it's not nearly as bad as my friend who can't have anything with gluten (even her shampoo has to be gluten free!)

I also have issues with low pressure weather. I get awful headaches and terrible muscle pains in my calves.

I have anxiety/panic attack problems as well. I am painfully shy and people make me very uncomfortable. I tend to do poorly in a lot of my classes because of it. My dad doesn't think they are real problems though so he won't let me get medication or try counseling.
  • #32
Horrible eyesight and personality but that's it. :p I had a few extra teeth if that counts too. I also have incredibly sensitive ears but I count that as a good thing (though it can be very annoying too). To all of you who do have actual problems; the best of luck and may it spontaneously heal.
  • #33
Horrible eyesight and personality but that's it. :p I had a few extra teeth if that counts too. I also have incredibly sensitive ears but I count that as a good thing (though it can be very annoying too). To all of you who do have actual problems; the best of luck and may it spontaneously heal.

I'm sure you have a fabulous personality. :D I have bad ears, they ring sometimes and it's incredibly annoying.
  • #34
I'm sure you have a fabulous personality. :D I have bad ears, they ring sometimes and it's incredibly annoying.
Fabulous but horrible. Wouldn't want it any other way.:sneaky:
  • #35
Does depression count in any fashion? I have to take an anti-depressant every night before I sleep - used to take'em in the afternoon but that knocked me half-out.

Aside from that, seasonal allergies and the potential to have arthritis eventually. That is not a day I look forward to.
  • #36
Does depression count in any fashion? I have to take an anti-depressant every night before I sleep - used to take'em in the afternoon but that knocked me half-out.

Aside from that, seasonal allergies and the potential to have arthritis eventually. That is not a day I look forward to.
Depression does count, I hope that fro today on everyday will put a smile on your face. :)

I've never been depressed so my advice might be rubbish, but whenever I'm feeling down I try to list all the little good things I see and feel around me. Like: The weather's nice, that tree is pretty, this T-shirt is really comfy, something sells good, look at that drawing its so colourful, etc. Just try to focus on the good things here and now, don't think about tomorrow or next year or in a country far away, just list the things you like at that very moment. At first it did not work but after a while it has become a great way to cheer me up, so I thought I'd share it with you. :)
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  • #37
I have a bad (short-sighted) eyesight, it is pretty bad, I cannot see people face clearly around more than 5-10m away and I always have to guess from hairstyle to know who it is.
I hate wearing glasses anyway, so I'm not wearing them except when I'm in class. I don't wear contact lens either.

Other than that I don't think I have any health problems (maybe a slight lactose intolerance) :D
  • #38
Depression does count, I hope that fro today on everyday will put a smile on your face. :)

I've never been depressed so my advice might be rubbish, but whenever I'm feeling down I try to list all the little good things I see and feel around me. Like: The weather's nice, that tree is pretty, this T-shirt is really comfy, something sells good, look at that drawing its so colourful, etc. Just try to focus on the good things here and now, don't think about tomorrow or next year or in a country far away, just list the things you like at that very moment. At first it did not work but after a while it has become a great way to cheer me up, so I thought I'd share it with you. :)

I really appreciated that, thank you.
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  • #39
I'm allergic to onions, so I'll never be able to try a world-famous burger
  • #40
i have asthma i have a mitral valve prolapse i also have pectus excavatum i also have Tardive dyskinesia.
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