Bravely Default My Review: Bravely Default

  • Thread starter Reece
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  • #41
After playing the demo for the game, I think I'm interested enough to buy. I like the turn-based battle system and the BP point component seems like it adds a bit of risk to the game. The job system also seems like it offers a lot of depth although it looks like it takes a lot of time to do jobs. Overall though, I'm impressed by the quality of the game and I might pick it up if/when it comes on sale in the eShop.
You really should buy it. I got the game after playing the demo, and I picked it up on my trip to USA.
The game takes you back to the best of Final Fantasy days, with so many classes to choose from and Brave/Default to add more strategy/twist to the game. One thing I love about Bravely Default is the art style (hand-made maps/overworld), and the oil-painting like look to the game.
  • #42
Sound like it would be a fantastic game! I'm not going to buy it personally because I'm going to get shovel knight (and super smash bros 3D when it comes out ;3) if I had more of the object known as money I wouldn't definitely get it! Looks absolutely wonderful and everything, but I don't think its my kind of game! But you never know maybe I will end up getting it eventually! By the way, good job on the review ;)
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