• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #561
"Salad go and finish him with Dragon pulse!"
  • #562
"Substitute, then Ice Fang!"
  • #563
(Guys I'm gonna be inactive for q bit u can rp ur selves for now)
  • #564
(Hey! Why don't we use Pokemon Showdown for the battles?)
  • #565
(Hey! Why don't we use Pokemon Showdown for the battles?)
(Ermergod yes post a replay so I can see later)
  • #566
an oshawott called oshul walked in to the comotion he wasint sure what was going on
  • #567
(Time rewind so we can do the battle in Pokémon Showdown?)
  • #568
(I realized I wasn't getting alerts so, @Anime-Tem @Skyshaymin just to make sure we are all getting alerts)
  • #569
(I-I-I'm good, thanks for making sure...)
  • #570
(Arrrg! I swear I had you tagged but I thought that you had stopped because you haven't posted. Sorry :facepalm: )
  • #571
(No, I just don't currently have a part. I might add someone else in later though...)
  • #572
Tags work for me and yea what are ur usernames on Showdown? I want to see the replay when ur done
  • #573
(My showdown name is the same as pedia and yeah i'm getting alerts.)
  • #574
(Tell me once you've done the battle then I'll watch the replay and continue the rp. Bobiplier u can PM Anime-Tem to find a good time)
  • #575
Meanwhile, whilst all this is going on, N has retreated to the base and was currently dining with Lysandre, watching the tournament from an undercover Team Plasma Grunt with a camera. Lysandre took a sip of champagne and sighed, "It's slightly amusing watching them squabble over a tournament like this. Especially when the prize is practically in our grasp."
"Yes, but don't forget how hard they're squabbling. They are clearly obsessed with either the "Prize" or they just want to settle a bet."
"Yes, but the prize is a specially bred Aron egg, along with an Aggronite. As sson as the winner is declared, we swoop in on one of your transports, snatch the egg and the stone, and fly away, scotch-free."
"Sounds like a plan!"
  • #576
Azura looked at a strange man in the crowd that had a camera. "Eric I think that guy is with N." Azura whispered as he pointed out the grunt.
  • #577
(The grunt was undercover. Also, if you guys have better ideas for a prize, feel free to change it)
  • #578
(I just noticed that. How about the prize is a Gibble and Axew with their mega stones.)
  • #579
(OK, That Works)
As N and Lysandre continue to dine, they notice something strange, their audio starts cutting out.
"Agent 32654, is there a problem?" N spoke into his earpiece
"Yeah, there's a terrible ringing in my earpiece, almost like a signal jammer.
Suddenly, Lysandre and N saw a flash of green and the stream cut out fully
"Wha-What's going on?!" N bolted up from his seat, the dishes clattering on the table
"It seems that 'Z' is near your agent, we should go investigate. Send in Mars and Saturn." Lysandre ordered into a comlink.
"Yessir" was the reply
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  • #580
(If @Bobcam7! does not post by Friday the 29th how about I win the battle and just face @Skyshaymin for the prize.)