• Thread starter Ritardando
  • Start date
  • #621
"Just one moment! Red is battling... Cynthia!" The Annoncer yelled as the the battle started.
  • #622
"ooh a battle i like to see this" said oshul with a half smile half shock smile
  • #623
(Erm who's left again?
And Oshul, if you really wanna know what's going on... I hope you like to read.)
  • #624
Red starts with Lapras and Cynthia starts with Milotic. Despite her skill she's worried after seeing the first fight Red had.
  • #625
Larpas started off with an Ice Beam.
  • #626
Larpas started off with an Ice Beam.
  • #627
"Mirror coat!" Milotic took not too much damage since it's not very effective, then made a decent counter attack but both Pokemon were left with almost all of their health.
  • #628
Mars and Saturn reach the location where the grunt was last located. Sure enough, the grunt was unconscious and 'Z' was nowhere to be found.
"Where could it have gone?" Mars questioned aloud
  • #629
Meanwhile in a nearby forest. Azura and Muddy climbed a tree "I wish something interesting would happen." Azura then began to doze off.
  • #630
oshul was siting down eating some Pokémon food he got from the poke shop stand for all the wild Pokémon to get food while watching
  • #631
(This isn't a good time for the rp to come back to life for me- Ima be gone for 2 weeks
Someone can rp Sky or just figure something out)
  • #632
(Sure, last time, I started a whole arc with N and you being captured and whatnot...)
  • #633
*oshul approached the front row but by doing so caught the attention of some trainers* *they all look at oshul then looked back at each other* * it's really rare to find wild oshawott* *all the trainers who saw oshul shouted" I CALL IT!" *just as the trainers said that oshul realized his mistake and a stupid yet hilarious chase began*
*oshul first darted down to the battle field just barely being hit by one of the attacks from the battling Pokémon* *poke balls started being flung from left and right trying to catch oshul* *eventual oshul got to the other side and started to climb the little wall what separates the battle plain from the seats and saw trainers were at the other side, a trainer met face to face with him while climbing up but oshul used water gun to push him out of the way* *he continued to use water gun on the poke balls and people he passes until making it to the door* *oshul then proceeded to tackle the door open and run outside into the forest*
  • #634
Azura watched the Oshawott run past his tree. "I wonder what it's running from. Eh who cares. I better head back now anyway."
  • #635
*oshul stopped at a near by lake* *out of breath he sat down* "that... was close" *he murmured* *he then proceeded to drink from the lake* *a looming thought came over oshul* "wait what if the trainers followed me from the sti-" *just then a group of trainers came dashing through the forest *mostly younger ones as the trainers back at the stadium thought it was to much hassle to catch one oshawott* *it was mainly for the bragging rights but the children just wanted him because he looked cute* "OH COME ON" *oshul started running again*
  • #636
Right in the middle of Red and Cynthia's battle an explosion rang out from above, and a claw reached out grabbing Red, Cynthia and Sky pulling them into the smokescreen.

"Well, we can't really proceed without all competitors present... So, I have to cancel the tournament!" The Announcer said, as the spectators booed and cursed.

"Well, isn't this just great?" Eric muttered his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Togekiss, go find Azura and bring him to me."
  • #637
*oshul finally loses the trainers and slowly walks back to the stadium to see the rest of the fight,little did he know they had disappeared* *oshul bumped into togekiss* "hey what did i miss at the battle?"
  • #638
Azura poked Eric. "Who kidnapped who?" He asked after noticing the lack of Cynthia, Red, and Sky.
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  • #639
"They kidnaped them," Eric responded vaugly.
  • #640
"Who are they?" Azura asked after a sigh.