Riddle time!

  • Thread starter PersonSP
  • Start date
  • #61
Riddle 1: I never played the games but I think it's Sonic. Riddle 2: Pikachu!
No riddle one is not about any game but you get NO.2 right so.....CONGRATULATION:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  • #62
In that case it's the Earth. It runs in an endless loop around the sun and if it would stop revolving around the sun everything on it dies.
  • #63
riddle 3 is an arrow
  • #64
No no no the word die is a trick word u know the answer is very common thing that have three legs
  • #65
Bump this thread a bit with some riddle

What word become shorter when you add two letters to it?
  • #66
  • #67
Easy riddle:

When you're having fun, it's hard to keep track.
It always goes forward and never goes back.
It is very important and interesting stuff,
and there never seems to be enough?
  • #68
Das Video Games. they are the existence of my life
  • #69
While that is not the answer I had in mind it is still correct. The other answer is time.
  • #70
ohh yea! duh:facepalm:
  • #71
Yours is far more creative. ;)
  • #72
Its gone quiet again now is some riddle:

I have head but no body
I have feet but no legs
I have hands but no arms
I have eyes but no ears
And I have large mouth but no teeth
Who am i?
  • #73
Woah...that one's hard. I'm clueless. But I'll come up with something sooner or later...(probably later.)
  • #74
I have round and pink body
  • #75
Your hint makes me think about pig but that does not fit the riddle at all...
  • #76
Eat a lot but never chew
  • #77
  • #78
Finally! Urrrrrrr CORRECT!!! :D:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::);)
  • #79
  • #80
@PersonSP the answer to your riddle is time >.<