By perfect IV on Donphan, Gardevoir, Talonflame and Conkeldurr do you mean 6IVs? If so, there really isn't any point in doing that since none of them will use both Attack and Sp. Attack, I'd only be overcharging you for that. Also, you cannot have 31/30/31/30/31/30 IVs on Magnezone and Serperior since the 6IV and Hidden Power services aren't compatible, you'd get a random IV for the Attack stat (which is useless anyway).
So everything will be:
Donphan (2PC) + Gardevoir (2PC) + Talonflame (2PC) + Conkledurr (2PC) + Magnezone (2PC) + Serperior (2PC) + HP Fire (2PCx2) + Stealth Rock (1PC) + Knock Off (1PC) + Hyper Voice (1PC) + Dragon Pulse (1PC) + Ice Punch (1PC) = 21 PC
This is a pretty beefy order so you'll have to give me over a week for it e.e