Things you would do for an emblem?

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Do you like the emblems?

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  • #41
I like emblems because it can give more motivations to have more activities in here. Even though there are some emblems that I wanted to get (like Pokémon V1, for instance), I'd like to get the emblems whenever I feel like it, at my own pace, so that posting won't feel like it's forced for me.
  • #42
I like emblems because it can give more motivations to have more activities in here. Even though there are some emblems that I wanted to get (like Pokémon V1, for instance), I'd like to get the emblems whenever I feel like it, at my own pace, so that posting won't feel like it's forced for me.
That's probably the healthiest way to get them. (And look at me, going at a full-on posting frenzy.) I like how they challenge you to post in forums you haven't posted (a lot) in before. :D