Doubles <3
Banned User
*tags @Vii*Agreed
First, I would like to see buffs and nerfs to certain Pokémon (Like they did from gen 5 to 6)
Parental Bond increases the damage by 1.1 - 1.2 instead of 1.5, the secondary effect of the second hit never happens
Some Pokémon get the "MegaZam treatment", these are Mega Salamence, Mega Mawile, Mega Lucario, Mega Metagross, and maybe Mega Gengar
When Perish Song is active, no trapping abilities can work
Normal Pokémon are inmune to Shadow Tag
Aegislash gets base stats of 50/80/120/80/120/50 in defense form and 50/120/80/120/80/50 in attack form (Maybe changing those 80/120 to 70/130, idk)
King Shield only lowers the attack by one stage
New stat distribution to Greninja, Blaziken (and Mega), Landorus-I
Prankster and Gale Wings have now 0.5 priority (Go before normal moves, but after priority moves)
Poison Heal heals 1/12 or 1/16 each turn instead of 1/8
Swagger and Flatter raises the the target's attack by one point instead of two
Game Mechanics
The Froze mechanics change, the chances to unfreeze goes from 20%>20%>20%>20%>... each turn to 20%>40%>60%>80%>100%
Critical hits can only happen when the attacker has a boosted crit rate.
Sleep will always last 2 turns.
Quick Powder and Metal Powder works on Ditto after transforming (this one may be too much)
Light Ball also gives Pikachu a 50% boost in speed, with this change, the speed of Pikachu gets reduced from 90 to 80, and the defens from 30 to 40
Mega Blastoise now is Water/Steel, and learns Shell Smash (Gets speed and a little of bulk reduced to not make it too broken)
Porygon-Z is Normal/Ghost
Mega Absol is Dark/Fairy
Pangoro gets Sucker Punch
Pidgeot gets Focus Blast
Cacturne gets Sand Rush as ability instead of Sand Veil or Water Absorb
Krokodile gets Dragon Dance
Accuracy of all moves has been multiplied by 1.1 and rounded up.
Other Stuff
We get an item that raises the turns of Trick Room from 5 to 8
We get a Physicall Assault Vest
We need more Defoggers/Rapid Spinners!!!