What do you like about the Zelda franchise?

  • Thread starter ShinyLatios
  • Start date
  • #41
I love the adventure of new landscapes in the franchise. I mean, for crying out loud, when you're a guy like me who lives in a stuck up neighborhood surrounded by old people, who doesn't like to see something new? But other than that, I can't get away from the music. I swear to god, Lost Woods theme is part of my soul.
  • #42
I love the soundtrack for Zelda games, the amazing music just adds to the games as a whole.
  • #43
The soundtrack certainly is great; the main Zelda theme is as recognizable as Mario's theme to me :D

Mine is the usual setting. The setting was influenced by J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit - a pre-industrial world with monsters and adventure and greenery and strange beings. It seems really grand and magical to me :cat:
  • #44
I love the items,dungeons,characters,side quest,secrets and music.Zelda is a game with a stunning adventure
and confusing timeline and its not always saving the princess like "Mario"its just a amazing and coolest games.
(Nice Work Nintendo):thumbsup::thumbsup:
  • #45
A few things actually. The storylines are always good, it's fun to have a 1st person knight-like game, the dungeons make me think. Even out of the dungeons, there's so much to do, and, as my brother says, if you tried to write a book on zelda/hyrule/the games, it would take up volumes and volumes. THERE'S SO MUCH TO DO!! Ah, yes, the music is stellar also.
  • #46
I enjoyed the amount of gameplay and sidequests they give out in a big environment. Nintendo really does the best job at making Zelda games feel big, and they are! Another thing I enjoyed in the Zelda franchise is the story and how it progresses, Majora's Mask is a great example of what I am saying.
  • #47
Oh geez... Idk. I guess... the music.

actuaaly... EVERYTHING, but to only name one, then the music...
  • #48
Well, on the question on what got me into this franchise, it was my family. They were big Zelda players, except my father, and I just tried OoT one day and I loved it. The music, the themes I can relate to, the music, the just awesome story, just about everything in general. Did I mention the music? Because it's just fantastic. When I was younger, the only Zelda games we had were OoT, MM, and AlttP. I always loved OoT and then I got to the Water Temple and unlocked the wrong door. I loved Majora's Mask as well be I didn't really understand it that well, same for AlttP. Some things I remember from my childhood, is whenever you had to navigate the maze to the Forest Temple in OoT, I was always scared of the enemies there, especially when then ram into me. I was also scared of going into the Forest of Wind Waker in the beginning of the game, I'd always have my brother do it for me.
  • #49
The dungeons are cool, the puzzels are great and the characters are memorable.
  • #50
The things I love the most are: music, characteres, and the feeling you are in an adventure. I think this last one is the best, because if you plus to it the músic, characteres, you will got and unforgettable adventure! Going to diferentes worlds, places, every kind of people from the happiest to the creepyest one :unsure: hahaha and all the temples with so many puzzles (some of them will make tour head blown). There are so many things that make zelda games as good reviewed as they are!
  • #51
I really like the in-depth stories lines and and adventures. I really like how they show that every link is a different incarnation of the last one. I like all the dungeons and puzzles. They are all unique and interesting, there aren't that many bland puzzles. I love the whole series and everything about it.
  • #52
My favorite part is the extreme, well sometimes, puzzles and mazes you have to go through. The bosses are sometimes just as hard or even easier than the mazes/puzzles. It is like Halflife or Portal combines with Mortal Combat or some fighting game! :eek: The story is great too but its not essential.
  • #53
well what game we talkigabout each one has its own pros and cons
  • #54
well what game we talkigabout each one has its own pros and cons
The franchise overall.