What is the WORST Nintendo 3DS game?

  • Thread starter ShinyLatios
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  • #121
Really I would say that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Gates to Infinity was a really rushed game and I really didn't like it too well because it was too easy and the story wasn't at all very good when compared to the previous series Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorer of Sky . I really think Nintendo should have done a better job on this . It really disappointed me in many ways
Really? It was released later than it should have been, so I guess it wasn't going to be a rushed game, but really?
  • #122
I also wany to say that Mario & Donkey Kong tripping stars is bad too. Why? Let me explain:

I loved previous installments in the light-hearted puzzle series, but this time Nintendo have cut it a little too short, making the latest one a game that is only worth buying if you haven't got any of the others.
The main game consists of the same old classic puzzle challenges that, while fairly enjoyable, introduce hardly any new mechanics. Instead, they take all of the previous Mario vs DK games' innovations and simple recycle them. This means that the game is rarely surprising and you'll probably get bored if you've played the previous Mario vs DK titles.
Still, the single player isn't the focus here, of course, as the title suggests. The level editor is what is supposed to keep you coming back for more, and that is, in the end, the biggest disappointment. You can use it to design levels, like in the previous games, for sharing online. But the trouble is, because the game barely introduces any new ideas, if you've played the previous games and made a lot of levels with them, then you won't have many ideas for new levels here. According to Nintendo, this is where the 'tipping stars' come in. The idea is, if other people like your levels, they'll tip you stars which you can then use to buy new mechanics and options to use in the levels you make. This, according to Nintendo, should keep people making levels. And it's a nice idea- but it's made pointless by the fact that these new mechanics are merely new themes, not anything else! How is a golden pipe going to help you make more creative levels any more than an ordinary green pipe? Or a new background? I don't know what was going through the developers' minds, but they really got this very wrong indeed. And did I mention you can't even share more than 20 levels anyway per account?
Oh, and the price tag- the game should be half that price, but the fact the purchase was crossplatform seemed to make Nintendo think they could charge double for it, even though it's exactly the same on Wii U and 3DS!
If you've never played a Mario vs DK game before, the game might be worth picking up. But even then, you'd get more enjoyment from buying the old DS entries in the series than this one, for their more inspired level design.