Why did you buy the Wii U?

  • Thread starter Tuzo
  • Start date
  • #41
We bought the wii u cause we wanted games to play together but the maid reason is cause I needed something a bit more fun to do to work out so me mostly figured it would be the best system to get . Just dance games are pretty much a good and fun way to work out and it's worth it in the long run. I think the wii u tends to get a bad rep cause the marketed it in a way that confused people but once you get one you realize that the system it self isn't that bad at all and it does have some good games on it. It does have it share of shovel wear but all game systems suffer from that now a days.
  • #42
I primarily got my wii u for smash but ended up liking splatoon more instead. I got the bundle where the console came with both smash and splatoon. Splatoon was very unexpectedly fun and addicting and I loved it when it was at it's prime. I still play it in 2020 and I feel it's a must get for any wii u user. Smash is also a must have for wii u as well as it is a really good fighting game.
  • #43
I bought it entirely for Breath of the Wild. I did consider holding onto it after completing the game, but I just couldn't justify it with the games it had. So I sold the WiiU and game afterwards.

I figured I would wait to pick up a Switch when it was at a lower price point. Turns out the Switch hardly goes on sale at all, and when it does it's a slim discount and hard to find. So I ended up just buying the New Horizons Switch when that game came out.
  • #44
I bought mine for Smash Bros and Mario Kart and I'm still glad I did, despite Nintendo not having released anything too many great games lately.
I haven't bought a Wii U, so this is for my future self (unless basically all the major Wii U titles get ported to Switch lmao). I will be buying the Wii U so I can finally play the copy of Super Mario 3D World I foolishly bought because it was on sale for 20 dollars. So I can play both Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2 that I got. And so I can (hopefully) play N64 games cheaper if the virtual console program is still active. I will also buy it to be able to play The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, as well as Twilight Princess HD. I will also hopefully be able to buy Wii games to play on the Wii U. I would also like to be able to play NintendoLand with friends. I feel like it would be a great time playing all of these games. So yeah, currently on the hunt for a cheap Wii U's online. I will also look in stores after quarantine ends.